United States Customs Service definition
Examples of United States Customs Service in a sentence
The terms ‘‘officer of the customs’’ and ‘‘cus- toms officer’’ mean any officer of the United States Customs Service of the Treasury Depart- ment (also hereinafter referred to as the ‘‘Cus- toms Service’’) or any commissioned, warrant, or petty officer of the Coast Guard, or any agent or other person, including foreign law enforce- ment officers, authorized by law or designated by the Secretary of the Treasury to perform any duties of an officer of the Customs Service.
The term ‘‘customs laws of the United States’’ means any other law or regulation en- forced or administered by the United States Customs Service.
The regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury shall provide for a process by which testing laboratories, whether domestic or for- eign, can qualify for certification by the United States Customs Service by demonstrat- ing the reliability of the procedures used for determining the type of fur contained in arti- cles intended for sale or consumption in inter- state commerce.
Use of a laboratory certified by the United States Customs Service to de- termine the nature of fur contained in an item to which subsection (b) of this section applies is not required to avoid liability under this section but may, in a case in which a person can establish that the goods imported were tested by such a laboratory and that the item was not found to be a dog or cat fur product, prove dispositive in determining whether that person exercised reasonable care for purposes of paragraph (6).
The certification test and annual recertification test provisions of this subsection shall not be applicable to canines that are owned by a law enforcement agency and that are certified and annually recertified in the detection of controlled dangerous substances by the United States Customs Service.
There is established in the Department the United States Customs Service, under the au- thority of the Under Secretary for Border and Transportation Security, which shall be vested with those functions including, but not limited to those set forth in section 215(7) of this title, and the personnel, assets, and liabilities attrib- utable to those functions.
Service of process will be received by the Chief Counsel, United States Customs Service, 1301 Constitution Avenue NW., Washington, DC 20229.
Property of designated international organizations listed in paragraph (b) of § 148.87 or of foreign governments shall be admitted free of duty and internal-revenue taxes imposed upon or by reason of importa- tion under 22 U.S.C. 288a(d), but such exemption shall be granted only upon the receipt in each instance of instruc- tion from the United States Customs Service issued at the request of the De- partment of State.
The annual notice of the United States Customs Service systems of records required to be published by the Office of the Federal Reg- ister, as specified in 5 U.S.C. 552a(f), is in- cluded in the publication entitled ‘‘Privacy Act Issuances’’.
The advi- sory committee shall meet on a periodic basis and shall advise the Commissioner on issues re- lated to the performance of the inspectional services of the United States Customs Service.