Examples of University Medical Center of El Paso in a sentence
Participation in the University Medical Center of El Paso Diabetic Management Program will be provided at 100% or with a PPO Provider.
Expenses related to Nutritional Counseling which are Medically Necessary according to evaluation by a Registered Dietician when provided at University Medical Center of El Paso, Texas Tech Physicians or PPO Providers, limited to twelve sessions per fiscal year.
The greatest benefit amounts are provided when Members use University Medical Center of El Paso facilities and services.
Because of the cost of medical care, Members are encouraged to be selective consumers of healthcare and to be aware of the increases in benefit coverage amounts that have been made available to Members when they select University Medical Center of El Paso and other preferred providers for their medical services.We expect and encourage you to review this booklet which describes the benefits provided by this Plan.
Nationally, $2,000,000,000 was allocated for drinking water infrastructure projects of which New Jersey will receive $43,154,000.
Premiums shall be determined on an annual basis and shall be communicated prior to the annual election period under the University Medical Center of El Paso and Its Affiliates Flexible Benefits Plan.
The greatest benefit amounts are provided when Employee s use El Paso Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center of El Paso, and Texas Tech facilities and services.Benefit coverage amounts are based on a traditional benefit plan design using Preferred Provider Networks.
Associates are encouraged to participate in the Health Risk Assessment Program which is provided through the University Medical Center of El Paso Wellness Program.2.02 General Plan InformationNAME OF PLAN: University Medical Center of El Paso and its Affiliates Associates Benefit FundPLAN SPONSOR: University Medical Center of El Paso 4815 Alameda AvenueEl Paso, TX 79905PLAN ADMINISTRATOR: University Medical Center of El Paso(Named Fiduciary) 4815 Alameda Avenue El Paso, TX 79905PLAN SPONSOR ID NO.
Because of the cost of medical care, covered Employee s are encouraged to be selective consumers of healthcare and to be aware of the increases in benefit coverage amounts that have been made available to Employee s when they select El Paso Children’s Hospital or University Medical Center of El Paso and other preferred providers for their medical services.We expect and encourage you to review this booklet which describes the benefits provided by this Plan.
Project implementation will involve youths who have been or are being targeted to perpetrate violence.The areas of intervention will be Bujumbura commune, in the following zones:• Musaga• Cibitoke• Kinama• KamengeEmergency ResponseUnconditional cash grants of USD 200 per youth and USD 235 per household annually will be provided throughout the life-long of the project.