Examples of University sponsored in a sentence
An official retiree (including early retirees) for purposes of this benefit, will be defined as any regular employee who is employed by the University at the time of retirement, who is vested in a University sponsored retirement plan and whose years of University service and age total a minimum of 75.
This policy also applies to Sexual Misconduct occurring on-campus or off-campus when the off-campus conduct: • occurs during a University sponsored employment or education activity or program;• adversely impacts the education or employment of a member of the University community; or• otherwise threatens the health and/or safety of a member of the University community.
Each Student and every Student Organization is required to abide by the Student Honor Code and the Student Conduct Code when on University-controlled property, at University sponsored events, or off campus in accordance with sections 3 and 4 of this Regulation.
The Student Conduct Code shall apply to student conduct that occurs on campus or at University- sponsored activities.Subd.
In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act, Vanderbilt University prohibits the unlawful possession, use, manufacture, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students, faculty members, and staff members on its property or as part of any University- sponsored activities.
This policy will apply to the sale, possession, or consumption of alcohol in or at any University sponsored or registered event.
The Code of Student Conduct applies to behaviors that take place on the campus, at University- sponsored events and may also apply off-campus when the Dean of Students or designee determines that the off-campus conduct affects a substantial University interest.
The Student Conduct Code (Code) shall apply to student conduct that occurs on University premises or at University- sponsored activities.
Disclaimer of interest as a University sponsored work does not limit the author/creator’s obligations to disclose and share proceeds from supported works per the terms of this article.
An official retiree (including early retirees) for purposes of this benefit will be defined as any regular staff member who is employed by the University at the time of retirement, who is vested in a University sponsored retirement plan and whose years of University service and age total a minimum of 75.