Examples of Unlined Landfill in a sentence
The County hereby leases to Casella the Facilities, excluding the Unlined Landfill, to Casella for a term of twenty-five (25) years commencing on the Closing Date on the terms and conditions as more fully set forth as follows: Casella shall pay to the County the sum of $10,501,284.00 (Ten million, five hundred and one thousand, two hundred and eighty four), payable in accordance with Schedule "H", for a period of seven (7) years from the date of the first payment for a total of 28 payments.
Based on observations of large rills on several benches on the Unlined Landfill with no BMPs or ineffective BMPs, sediment and other erodible material posed a substantial potential for harm.
In addition, compliance with, COMM-97- 001 "Reuse and Disposal of Contaminated Soil at Massachusetts Landfills" and the “Revised Guidelines for Determining Closure Activities at Inactive Unlined Landfill Sites”, may be applicable.
The County agrees to subdivide the Landfill so that the Unlined Landfill and Lined Landfill are on approved separated parcels of property.
Excess closure, monitoring, long-term maintenance, and remediation costs incurred for the Unlined Landfill beyond those funds accumulated for these purposes for the Unlined Landfill shall be an estimated tonnage pro rata basis by those TOWNS which contributed waste to the Unlined Landfill.
The Landowner entered into an agreement with the Petitioner to conduct the closure and post-closure activities to bring the Landfill into compliance with the Department’s regulations at 310 CMR 19.00 and applicable policies, including the Department's 1997 Landfill Technical Guidance Manual, and the Department’s 2001 Revised Guidelines for Determining Closure Activities at Inactive Unlined Landfill Sites.
Step 2 The employee may, with the Association representative, present the grievance (which shall be made in writing on a form supplied by the Association and approved by the Company) to the next level of supervision.
Inactive Unlined Landfill means, for purposes of these Guidelines, a landfill or dumping ground that was in operation after April 21, 1971, but ceased operations prior to July 1, 1990, that never closed in accordance with a Department approved closure plan.
The County has enacted certain ordinances, previous to this date, which restricts or limits the flow of waste to the Unlined Landfill.
The permanent gas migration control system around the inside perimeter of the Unlined Landfill controls the migration of landfill gas and reduces the likelihood of exposure to vapors migrating in the soil or surficial groundwater.