Upper Boundary definition

Upper Boundary means an amount equal to the sum of (i) the applicable Sample Mean plus (ii) the product of (A) 1.96 and (B) the applicable Standard Error.
Upper Boundary means 3.3333%.
Upper Boundary means 49.95 per cent.

Examples of Upper Boundary in a sentence

  • An HTC may have a range of IP Addresses defined for accessing the internet.The following information is stored for an IP Address entry:• Lower Boundary IP Address value• Upper Boundary IP Address value• HTC Name and/or Comment - this explains the HTC or workplace for which the IP Address range applies.

  • In January 2008 Northgate staff prepared an estimate of the Mineral Resources of the Lower Boundary Zone (LBZ), Upper Boundary Zone (UBZ), Lucky Zone (LKY), Lower Lucky Zone (LL1) and the Young-Davidson Zone (YD1-4 Zones) at the Young-Davidson Property (YD Property), Ontario.

  • If the Upper Boundary is not equal to 100%, then an amount equal to zero.

  • Once the metallurgical parameters were optimized, the five zone composite and 32 individual samples were used for variability testing.The grinding characteristics of the design mineralized material, an equal mixture of Upper Boundary Zone, Lower Boundary Zone and Pit Zone material as combined material for pilot plant feed gives an average Bond Work Index of 15.6 kilowatt hours per tonne (“kWh/t”) at 100 mesh (106 micrometer (“µm”)) of grind.

  • Upper Boundary Adjustment: If the Upper Boundary is equal to 100%, then an amount equal to the aggregate of all Recovery Amounts determined by the Calculation Agent.

  • The preferred alternative is also shown for convenience.Table 33: Upper Boundary NPV of Ten-Year Total Costs – Small Business Exemption Discount RatePreferred Alternative ($ Millions)Small Bus.

  • Sex ratios at the Outside Lower Boundary, Lower Boundary, Upper Boundary and Outside Upper Boundary, NDHS 1990, 1999 and 2003.

  • YearAR – Age ratios SR – Sex ratiosAge Ratios at the Outside Lower Boundary, Lower Boundary, Upper Boundary and OutsideUpper Boundary, NDHS 1990, 1999 and 2003.150 100 50 019901999Year2003OLB LB UPOUPThis result is also shown in Figures 3.3.1a and 3.3.1b.

  • Locations of these two stations on the map could can be found in the companion ACP paper (entitled “Atmospheric Measurements at the Foot and the Summit of Mt. Tai - Part I: HONO Formation and Its Role in the Oxidizing Capacity of the Upper Boundary Layer”, Xue et al.

  • TABLE 1 - FULL RVSM ENVELOPE BOUNDARIES Lower Boundary is defined by Upper Boundary is defined by Level - FL 290The lower of: - FL 410- Aircraft maximum certified altitude- Altitude limited by; cruise thrust; buffet; other aircraft flight limitations.

More Definitions of Upper Boundary

Upper Boundary means the percentage specified as such in the Pricing Conditions.
Upper Boundary means 5.24 per cent.
Upper Boundary means 55.90 per cent.
Upper Boundary means the percentage specified in the Pricing Supplement.
Upper Boundary means 20.00 per cent. (expressed as 0.20).ANNEX ACREDIT LINKED PROVISIONSThese Credit Linked Provisions are incorporated into, and form part of, the relevant Pricing Supplement and set forth important provisions relating to the contingent nature of the obligations on the Issuer to pay principal and interest on the Securities. Unless otherwise defined herein, terms used in these Credit Linked Provisions shall have the meanings ascribed to them elsewhere in the relevant Pricing Supplement. To the extent any provision in these Credit Linked Provisions conflicts with any other provision in the relevant Pricing Supplement, the provision in the relevant Pricing Supplement will govern.All calculations and determinations made by the Calculation Agent in relation to the Securities shall (save in the case of manifest error at the time the relevant determination is made) be final and binding on the Issuer, the Agents and the Holders of the Securities. The Calculation Agent shall not be required to consult with any other party in relation to any determination or calculation made by the Calculation Agent. The Calculation Agent shall have no liability to any person as a result of relying on a resolution of a Credit Derivatives Determinations Committee.These Credit Linked Provisions apply to Securities for which the Holders of such Securities are sellers of credit protection.

Related to Upper Boundary

  • Site boundary means that line beyond which the land or property is not owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the licensee or registrant.

  • Natural Boundary means the visible high water mark, or bankfull width, of any lake, river, stream or other body of water where the presence and action of the water are so common and usual, and so long continued in all ordinary years, as to mark on the soil of the bed of the body of water a character distinct from that of its banks, in vegetation, as well as in the nature of the soil itself;

  • Urban growth boundary means an acknowledged urban growth boundary contained in a

  • boundary means any lateral or street boundary of a site;

  • Flood Boundary and Floodway Map (FBFM means an official map of a community, issued by the FEMA, on which the Special Flood Hazard Areas and the floodways are delineated. This official map is a supplement to and shall be used in conjunction with the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM).

  • Perimeter means the fenced or walled area of the institution that restrains the movement of the inmates.

  • Water Surface Elevation (WSE means the height, in relation to NAVD 1988, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.

  • Surface waters of the state means perennial and seasonal streams, lakes, ponds, and tidal waters within the jurisdiction of the state, including all streams, lakes, or ponds bordering on the state, marshes, water courses, and other bodies of water, natural or artificial.

  • Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) of 1929, the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) of 1988, or other datum, where specified, of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of riverine areas.

  • townsite in relation to the townsite to be established near the harbour means a townsite (whether or not constituted and defined under section 10 of the Land Act) primarily to facilitate the Company’s operations in and near the harbour and for employees of the Company and in relation to the mining areas means such a townsite or townsites or any other townsite or townsites which is or are established by the Company for the purposes of its operations and employees on or near the mining areas in lieu of a townsite constituted and defined under section 10 of the Land Act;

  • Coastal high hazard area means a Special Flood Hazard Area extending from offshore to the inland limit of a primary frontal dune along an open coast and any other area subject to high velocity wave action from storms or seismic sources. The area is designated on a FIRM, or other adopted flood map as determined in Article 3, Section B of this ordinance, as Zone VE.

  • Area of Mutual Interest or “AMI” shall mean an agreement between or among parties to a farm-out agreement or a joint operating agreement or other agreement by which the parties attempt to describe a geographical area within which they agree to share certain additional leases or other interests acquired by any of them in the future.

  • Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM means an official map of a community, issued by the FEMA, where the boundaries of the Special Flood Hazard Areas have been defined as Zone A.

  • Transboundary movement means any movement of hazardous wastes or other wastes from an area under the national jurisdiction of one State to or through an area under the national jurisdiction of another State or to or through an area not under the national jurisdiction of any State, provided at least two States are involved in the movement;

  • Surface waters means water on the surface of the ground where water does not usually accumulate in ordinary watercourses, lakes, or ponds. This includes any waterborne objects.

  • Deviate sexual intercourse means any contact between the genitals of one person and the mouth or anus of another person with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire of any person.

  • Intersection means (i) the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral

  • Drainage area means a geographic area within which stormwater, sediments, or dissolved materials drain to a particular receiving waterbody or to a particular point along a receiving waterbody.

  • Landing area means that part of a movement area intended for the landing or take-off of aircraft;

  • Tunnelling means the construction of any tunnel beneath the natural surface of the earth for a purpose other than the searching for or winning of a mineral

  • Uppermost aquifer means the geologic formation nearest the natural ground surface that is an aquifer, as well as lower aquifers that are hydraulically interconnected with this aquifer within the facility's property boundary.


  • footpath means a road over which there is a public right of way for pedestrians only, not being a footway;

  • Front Yard means a yard extending across the full width of a lot between the front lot line of the lot and the nearest wall of the nearest main building or structure on the lot;

  • Urbanized area means an area where a well or production facilities of a well are located within a municipal corporation or within a township that has an unincorporated population of more than five thousand in the most recent federal decennial census prior to the issuance of the permit for the well or production facilities.

  • Structural pest control means a use requiring a license under Chapter 14 (commencing with Section 8500), Division 3, of the Business and Professions Code.