Urbanized area definition

Urbanized area means an area where a well or production facilities of a well are located within a municipal corporation or within a township that has an unincorporated population of more than five thousand in the most recent federal decennial census prior to the issuance of the permit for the well or production facilities.
Urbanized area means the areas of urban population density delineated by the Bureau of the Census for statistical purposes and generally consisting of the land area comprising one or more central place(s) and the adjacent densely settled surrounding area that together have a residential population of at least 50,000 and an overall population density of at least 1,000 people per square mile as determined by the latest Decennial Census by the Bureau of Census.
Urbanized area means a place and the adjacent densely settled surrounding territory that together have a minimum popu- lation of 50,000 people, as determined by the U.S. bureau of the census based on the latest decennial federal census.

Examples of Urbanized area in a sentence

  • The LPA acknowledges and understands Secretary’s share of the Project’s total, actual, and eligible costs are federal aid pass through CMAQ Funds allocated to the Kansas City Urbanized Area.

  • The Recipient agrees to enter into a written agreement with each subrecipient participating in an Urbanized Area Formula Project, which agreement sets forth the subrecipient’s responsibilities, and includes appropriate clauses imposing requirements necessary to assure that the subrecipient will not compromise the Recipient’s compliance with Federal requirements applicable to the Project and the Recipient’s obligations under the Grant Agreement for the Project and this Master Agreement.

  • The Sponsor acknowledges and understands Secretary’s share of the Project’s total, actual, and eligible costs will be funded through the federal aid Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) Funds allocated to the Kansas City Urbanized Area.

More Definitions of Urbanized area

Urbanized area means an urbanized area as defined in the
Urbanized area means an area encompassing a population of not less than 50,000 people that has been defined and designated in the most recent decennial census as an “urbanized area” by the Secretary of Commerce. “Small urbanized areas” as used in the context of FTA formula grant programs are urbanized areas with a population of at least 50,000 but less than 200,000.
Urbanized area means an incorporated city or an Urbanized Area or urban cluster as defined by the United States Census Bureau. For unincorporated areas outside of an urban area or urban cluster, the area must be within a designated urban service area that is designated in the local general plan for urban development and is served by the public sewer and water.
Urbanized area means an area defined by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Census.
Urbanized area or "UA" means a land area comprising one (1) or more places that together have a residential population of at least fifty thousand (50,000) and an overall population density of at least five hundred (500) people per square mile.
Urbanized area means that term as defined by the office of federal statistical policy and standards of the United States department of commerce in the appendix entitled "general procedures and definitions", 45
Urbanized area means any area of land within two miles of the boundaries of a city. [C58, 62, 66, 71, 73, §362.1; C75, 77, 79, 81, §368.1]89 Acts, ch 98, §1; 89 Acts, ch 299, §1; 91 Acts, ch 187, §1; 91 Acts, ch 250, §1; 92 Acts, ch1174, §1; 93 Acts, ch 152, §1 – 3; 94 Acts, ch 1169, §61; 2003 Acts, ch 148, §1, 9 DIVISION II GENERAL PROVISIONS