Upper Nile definition

Upper Nile means the State of Upper Nile, an administrative subdivision in the Republic of South Sudan.

Examples of Upper Nile in a sentence

  • In mid-September 2014, Koang reportedly ordered his forces to target Dinka civilians during an attack in Upper Nile State.

  • Throughout May 2007, SAF conducted unilateral disarmament of its aligned former OAG members in Upper Nile, Western Bahr El Ghazal and across Eastern Equatoria.

  • As part of the divestitures, over four thousand Bayer employees who currently support the various divestiture businesses will become BASF employees.

  • The President of GoSS removed the Governor of Upper Nile State, Dak Duop Bichiok, from his post effective 18 February 2008 and appointed Gatluak Deng Garang (NCP) as his replacement.

  • Subsequent to this appointment, SPLA-IO forces were cited by the IGAD Monitoring and Verification Mechanism for multiple violations of the CoHA in Unity, Upper Nile, and Jonglei States.

  • The project development objec- tives (PDOs) are: (i) to improve the delivery of high impact primary health care services in Recipient's states of Jonglei and Upper Nile; and (ii) to strengthen coordination and monitoring and evaluation capacities of the Ministry of Health.

  • The IGAD Monitoring and Verification Mechanism in Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei states also cited forces under Gatwech Dual in its August 14, 2014 summary of ceasefire violations.

  • The IGAD Monitoring and Verification Mechanism in Upper Nile, Unity and Jonglei states also cited forces under Gatwech Dual in its August 14, 2014 summary of ceasefire violations.Gatwech Dual's forces conducted an early February 2015 attack in Jonglei State.

  • In his new position, Koang led attacks on government forces in Upper Nile State's Renk and Maban counties in January 2015 that were cited by the Inter­ governmental Authority on Development Monitoring and Verification Mechanism as violations of the CoHA.

  • Forces led by Gadet attacked and captured Kaka, Upper Nile State from the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) in late March 2014.