water supplier means the company supplying water in the water supply zone, whether a water undertaker or licensed water supplier;
Auxiliary Water Supply means any water source or system, other than the public water supply, that may be available in the building or premises.
Water Supply Any problem with water supply? Yes No Unknown Comments: Home water treatment system: Yes No Unknown Comments: Fire sprinkler system: Yes No Unknown Does Not Apply Comments: Are the systems in operating condition? Yes No Unknown Comments:
Electric power supplier means a person or entity that is duly
Urban renewal project means undertakings and activities of a municipality in an urban renewal area for the elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of slums and blight, and may involve slum clearance and redevelopment in an urban renewal area, or rehabilitation or conservation in an urban renewal area, or any combination or part of them in accordance with an urban renewal plan. These undertakings and activities may include:
Electric utility steam generating unit means any steam electric generating unit that is constructed for the purpose of supplying more than one-third of its potential electric output capacity and more than 25 MW electrical output to any utility power distribution system for sale. Any steam supplied to a steam distribution system for the purpose of providing steam to a steam-electric generator that would produce electrical energy for sale is also considered in determining the electrical energy output capacity of the affected facility.
Water supply system means the structures, aqueducts, pipes, valves, pumps, meters or other apparatus relating thereto of which the ownership vests in the municipality and which are used or intended to be used by it in connection with the supply of water, and includes any part of the system; and
Urban renewal plan means a plan, as it exists from time to time, for an urban renewal project, which plan shall be sufficiently complete to indicate such land acquisition, demolition and removal of structures, redevelopment, improvements, and rehabilitation as may be proposed to be carried out in the urban renewal area, zoning and planning changes, if any, land uses, maximum density and building requirements.
Urban renewal area means a slum area or a blighted area or a combination thereof which the municipality designates as appropriate for an urban renewal project.
Electric generation service means the provision of retail
Public water supply means all mains, pipes and structures through which water is obtained and distributed to the public, including wells and well structures, intakes and cribs, pumping stations, treatment plants, reservoirs, storage tanks and appurtenances, collectively or severally, actually used or intended for use for the purpose of furnishing water for drinking or general domestic use and which serve at least 15 service connections or which regularly serve at least 25 persons at least 60 days per year. A public water supply is either a "community water supply" or a "non-community water supply".
Base Load Generation Resource means a Generation Capacity Resource that operates at least 90 percent of the hours that it is available to operate, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the PJM Manuals.
Storm water management plan means a comprehensive plan designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from storm water after the site has under gone final stabilization following completion of the construction activity.
Rechargeable Electrical Energy Storage System (REESS) means the rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for electrical propulsion.
Specialty contractor means a person who is licensed to conduct business as described in subsection 4 of NRS 624.215.
Public water supply system means a system for the provision to the public of piped water for human consumption, if the system has at least fifteen service connections or regularly serves at least twenty-five individuals. The term includes any source of water and any collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control of the operator of the system and used primarily in connection with the system, and any collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under such control which are used primarily in connection with the system.
Electric supplier means an entity or person certified by the Commission, including municipal corporations which choose to provide electricity outside their municipal limits (except to the extent provided prior to February 1, 1999), Broker, Marketer or other entity (including public utilities and their affiliates, e.g., Delmarva), that sells electricity to Retail Electric Customers, utilizing the Transmission and Distribution Facilities of an Electric Distribution Company.
Electric power generator means an entity that proposes to
Electric generating unit means an individual electric generator and its associated plant and apparatus whose electrical output is capable of being separately identified and metered. Emergency Condition shall mean a condition or situation: (1) that in the judgment of the Party making the claim is imminently likely to endanger life or property; or (2) that, in the case of the CAISO, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to, the CAISO Controlled Grid or the electric systems of others to which the CAISO Controlled Grid is directly connected; (3) that, in the case of the Participating TO, is imminently likely (as determined in a non-discriminatory manner) to cause a material adverse effect on the security of, or damage to, the Participating TO’s Transmission System, Participating TO’s Interconnection Facilities, Distribution System, or the electric systems of others to which the Participating TO’s electric system is directly connected; or
Gas supply service means the provision to customers of the
Urban transit hub means an urban transit hub, as defined in
Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to prepare stormwater management plans, or a specific portion of that area identified in a stormwater management plan prepared by that agency.
Electric provider means any of the following:
Basic gas supply service means gas supply service that is
Stormwater management plan means the set of drawings and other documents that comprise all the information and specifications for the programs, drainage systems, structures, BMPs, concepts and techniques intended to maintain or restore quality and quantity of stormwater runoff to pre-development levels.
Renewable Energy Source means an energy source that is not fossil carbon-based, non- renewable or radioactive, and may include solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, landfill gas, or wave, tidal and thermal ocean technologies, and includes a Certified Renewable Energy Source.