UTC Liabilities definition

UTC Liabilities shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(c).
UTC Liabilities means (i) all Liabilities arising out of any matter set forth on Schedule 2.3(c)(i), (ii) all Liabilities relating to, arising out of or resulting from actions, inactions, events, omissions, conditions, facts or circumstances occurring or existing prior to the Effective Time (whether or not such Liabilities cease being contingent, mature, become known, are asserted or foreseen, or accrue, in each case before, at or after the Effective Time) of any member of the UTC Group and, prior to the Effective Time, any member of the Carrier Group or Otis Group, in each case that are not Carrier Liabilities or Otis Liabilities and (iii) all Liabilities arising out of litigation or other claims (including in respect of Environmental Liabilities and asbestos Liabilities) made by any Third Party (including UTC’s, Carrier’s or Otis’s respective directors, officers, stockholders, employees and agents) against, or any investigations, sanctions or orders of any Governmental Authority in respect of or binding upon, any member of the UTC Group, the Carrier Group or the Otis Group to the extent the facts underlying such litigation, claim, investigation, sanction or order, relate to, arise out of or result from the conduct of the UTC Business or the UTC Assets or the other Liabilities of UTC referred to in the foregoing clauses (i) and (ii), it being understood that to the extent any such litigation, claim, investigation, sanction or order includes or is based on allegations relating to, arising out of or resulting from any member of the UTC Group’s direct or indirect beneficial ownership of the capital stock of any member of the Carrier Group or Otis Group prior to the Effective Time or any member of the UTC Group’s management, oversight, supervision or operation of the Carrier Business, the Otis Business, the Carrier Assets, the Otis Assets, the Carrier Liabilities or the Otis Liabilities, as applicable, prior to the Effective Time (including all Liabilities relating to, arising out of or resulting from any matter set forth on Schedule 2.3(a)(viii) or Schedule 2.3(b)(viii)), any such Liabilities shall be Carrier Liabilities and/or Otis Liabilities, as applicable, and not UTC Liabilities.

Related to UTC Liabilities

  • Intra-Group Liabilities means the Liabilities owed by any member of the Group to any of the Intra-Group Lenders.

  • SpinCo Liabilities shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(a).

  • Liabilities means any and all debts, liabilities and obligations, whether accrued or fixed, absolute or contingent, matured or unmatured or determined or determinable, including those arising under any Law, Action or Governmental Order and those arising under any contract, agreement, arrangement, commitment or undertaking.

  • Product Liabilities means any Liability arising out of, relating to or resulting from actual or alleged harm, injury, damage or death to persons in connection with the use of any product (including in any clinical trial or study);

  • Contingent Liabilities means, respectively, each obligation and liability of the Credit Parties and all such obligations and liabilities of the Credit Parties incurred pursuant to any agreement, undertaking or arrangement by which any Credit Party either: (i) guarantees, endorses or otherwise becomes or is contingently liable upon (by direct or indirect agreement, contingent or otherwise, to provide funds for payment, to supply funds to, or otherwise to invest in, a debtor, or otherwise to assure a creditor against loss) the indebtedness, dividend, obligation or other liability of any other Person in any manner (other than by endorsement of instruments in the course of collection), including without limitation, any indebtedness, dividend or other obligation which may be issued or incurred at some future time; (ii) guarantees the payment of dividends or other distributions upon the shares or ownership interest of any other Person; (iii) undertakes or agrees (whether contingently or otherwise): (A) to purchase, repurchase, or otherwise acquire any indebtedness, obligation or liability of any other Person or any property or assets constituting security therefor; (B) to advance or provide funds for the payment or discharge of any indebtedness, obligation or liability of any other Person (whether in the form of loans, advances, stock purchases, capital contributions or otherwise), or to maintain solvency, assets, level of income, working capital or other financial condition of any other Person; or (C) to make payment to any other Person other than for value received; (iv) agrees to lease property or to purchase securities, property or services from such other Person with the purpose or intent of assuring the owner of such indebtedness or obligation of the ability of such other Person to make payment of the indebtedness or obligation; (v) to induce the issuance of, or in connection with the issuance of, any letter of credit for the benefit of such other Person; or (vi) undertakes or agrees otherwise to assure or insure a creditor against loss. The amount of any Contingent Liability shall (subject to any limitation set forth herein) be deemed to be the outstanding principal amount (or maximum permitted principal amount, if larger) of the indebtedness, obligation or other liability guaranteed or supported thereby.

  • Parent Liabilities shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.3(b).

  • Excluded Liabilities has the meaning set forth in Section 2.4.

  • Retained Liabilities has the meaning set forth in Section 2.4.

  • Eligible Liabilities and “Special Deposits” have the meanings given to them from time to time under or pursuant to the Bank of England Act 1998 or (as may be appropriate) by the Bank of England;

  • Covered Liabilities as defined in Subsection 11.21.

  • Environmental Costs and Liabilities means any and all losses, liabilities, obligations, damages, fines, penalties, judgments, actions, claims, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, fees, disbursements and expenses of legal counsel, experts, engineers and consultants and the costs of investigation and feasibility studies and remedial activities) arising from or under any Environmental Law or order or contract with any Governmental Authority or any other Person.

  • Employee Liabilities means all claims, actions, proceedings, orders, demands, complaints, investigations (save for any claims for personal injury which are covered by insurance) and any award, compensation, damages, tribunal awards, fine, loss, order, penalty, disbursement, payment made by way of settlement and costs, expenses and legal costs reasonably incurred in connection with a claim or investigation including in relation to the following: redundancy payments including contractual or enhanced redundancy costs, termination costs and notice payments; unfair, wrongful or constructive dismissal compensation; compensation for discrimination on grounds of sex, race, disability, age, religion or belief, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity or sexual orientation or claims for equal pay; compensation for less favourable treatment of part-time workers or fixed term employees; outstanding debts and unlawful deduction of wages including any PAYE and National Insurance Contributions in relation to payments made by the Customer or the Replacement Supplier to a Transferring Supplier Employee which would have been payable by the Supplier or the Sub-Contractor if such payment should have been made prior to the Service Transfer Date; claims whether in tort, contract or statute or otherwise; any investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission or other enforcement, regulatory or supervisory body and of implementing any requirements which may arise from such investigation;

  • Environmental Liabilities means all liabilities, monetary obligations, losses, damages, costs and expenses (including all reasonable fees, disbursements and expenses of counsel, experts, or consultants, and costs of investigation and feasibility studies), fines, penalties, sanctions, and interest incurred as a result of any claim or demand, or Remedial Action required, by any Governmental Authority or any third party, and which relate to any Environmental Action.

  • Assumed Environmental Liabilities has the meaning specified in Section 7.4.

  • Assumed Liabilities has the meaning set forth in Section 2.3.

  • Environmental Liabilities and Costs means all liabilities, monetary obligations, Remedial Actions, losses, damages, punitive damages, consequential damages, treble damages, costs and expenses (including all reasonable fees, disbursements and expenses of counsel, experts, or consultants, and costs of investigation and feasibility studies), fines, penalties, sanctions, and interest incurred as a result of any claim or demand by any Governmental Authority or any third party, and which relate to any Environmental Action.

  • Liabilities and Costs means all claims, judgments, liabilities, obligations, responsibilities, losses, damages (including lost profits), punitive or treble damages, costs, disbursements and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’, experts’ and consulting fees and costs of investigation and feasibility studies), fines, penalties and monetary sanctions, interest, direct or indirect, known or unknown, absolute or contingent, past, present or future.

  • Assumed Obligations has the meaning specified in Section 2.2.

  • Transferred Liabilities has the meaning set forth in Section 2.02(a).

  • Retained Environmental Liabilities means all Environmental Liabilities of Seller or its Affiliates arising out of or relating to operations or activities that are not primarily related to the Business, whether arising or related to the period before or after Closing.

  • Hedge Liabilities shall have the meaning provided in the definition of “Lender-Provided Interest Rate Hedge”.

  • Pre-Closing Environmental Liabilities means any Environmental Liabilities to the extent arising out of the ownership, operation or condition of any of the Business or the Real Property on or at any time prior to the Closing Date.

  • Employment Liabilities means all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, compensation, tribunal awards, fines, costs (including but not limited to reasonable legal costs), expenses and all other liabilities whatsoever;

  • Other Liabilities means any obligation on account of (a) any Cash Management Services furnished to any of the Loan Parties or any of their Subsidiaries and/or (b) any Bank Product furnished to any of the Loan Parties and/or any of their Subsidiaries.

  • Excluded Environmental Liabilities means any and all Environmental Liabilities whether arising before, at or after the Effective Time, to the extent relating to, resulting from, or arising out of the past, present or future operation, conduct or actions of Xxxxxxx Retained Business.