Examples of Utilization of genetic resources in a sentence
Utilization of genetic resources may take place long after having acquired these genetic resources, and benefit- sharing requirements would still apply.
Utilization of genetic resources means to conduct research and development on the genetic and/or biochemical composition of genetic resources, including through the use of biotechnology.
Risk 5: Utilization of genetic resources (e.g. collection and/or harvesting, commercial development) I = 1 P = 2 Low Note: the scale of GEF Small Grants projects is small with the average funding around USD 22,000.
SSDC OPL is a 50:50 joint venture using a limited company structure with Opium Power Limited.
Policy reversals (retreats from open to closed capital markets) increase dollarization, as one would expect if dollar holdings reflect confidence in the monetary authorities and expected inflation rates (assuming that closed capital accounts give the monetary authorities more leeway to raise the inflation tax).