Utilization of genetic resources definition
Examples of Utilization of genetic resources in a sentence
Risk 5: Utilization of genetic resources (e.g. collection and/or harvesting, commercial development) I = 1 P = 2 Low Note: the scale of GEF Small Grants projects is small with the average funding around USD 22,000.
Utilization of genetic resources may take place long after having acquired these genetic resources, and benefit- sharing requirements would still apply.
It also makes it easy for EGI Operations to support selected (or all) VOs by running the integration tools for them, without having to act through potentially dozens of site administrators.The Cloudkeeper-one backend for OpenNebula-based cloud sites within the EGI Federated Cloud platform has also already been updated for Cloudkeeper-2.0. Figure 8.
Utilization of genetic resources accessed as commodities in the market (Spain)Background: Biological resources (fish, shellfish, algae) accessed as commodities from extractive fisheries or from aquaculture facilities made available in the markets for human or live- stock consumption are considered OUT OF SCOPE under ABS regulations.
Utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in academic research.