Examples of VA school in a sentence
Where the LA receives an in year application form expressing a preference for an Academy, F or VA school the application will be forwarded to the school within five school days of receipt.
For an Academy, F or VA school, the school’s governing body is responsible for deciding the outcome of the application and should advise the LA accordingly within 10 school days of the date of which the information was received by the school.
Where, as a result of a VA school changing category, the LA becomes responsible for the implementation of any other previously approved proposals, the Department would continue its support of any agreed capital costs for those proposals, and would be prepared to consider applications from an LA to meet its share of any capital costs which previously fell to the governing body.
Legal ownership of VC and VA school land and buildings usually rests with a charity, normally a religious body.
If Harrow Council receives a common application form with an application for a VA school they will send details of the application to its VA schools via the LGFL secure website.
The building asset will be placed by Purplexed Limited into a Special Purpose Vehicle new company at the point the loan is agreed providing the GLA with first charge and a lien over the shares of the SPV.
Where building works (either revenue or capital funded) are undertaken in a VA school the Governing Body must assess and seek to control safeguarding risks to children.
Pupils whose parent(s) (see definition listed below) regularly attend another Anglican church and for who this is their nearest VA school.
By the date specified in Schedule 2, in the case where the admission authority is undertaking the ranking of applications against the admission criteria, the City Council shall notify the admission authority for each academy, foundation, free, trust and VA school of every nomination that has been made for that school.
This includes the duty of defraying all the expenses maintaining them (except in the case of a VA school where some expenses are, by statute, payable by the governing body).