Examples of VA school in a sentence
If Harrow Council receives a common application form with an application for a VA school they will send details of the application to its VA schools via the LGFL secure website.
If Brent Council receives a common application form with an application for a VA school they will send details of the application to its VA schools via the secure website.
This ‘Scope of Services Agreement’ document details the procedures and the level of service required of each consultant when working on VA school building projects in this Diocese.
In a VA school the responsible persons would principally be the Governing Body (policy, risk assessment, finance, resources, review, etc) and Head Teacher (day-to-day management).
In order to retain the governance structure of a school as it was prior to academisation (i.e. either Voluntary Aided (VA) or Voluntary Controlled (VC)), WDAT appoints either 25% of the Trustees of a MAT which has a former VC school, or the majority of Trustees of a MAT which has a former VA school.
Local Governing Bodies or advisory Boards of academies are to reflect the constitution of the former VC or VA school.
Responsibility for work to VA school premises is shared between the school’s governing body and the Council.
Which alternative applies will depend on whether the LEA effectively takes the decision that the central government money should go to the VA school: if it does, it is the LEA's expenditure.
Legal ownership of Voluntary Controlled (VC) and Voluntary Aided (VA) school land and buildings usually rests with a charity, normally a religious body who have granted a licence to the school to use the land and buildings.
A voluntary aided school (VA school) is a state- funded school in England and Wales in which a foundation or trust (Church in Wales), has a substantial influence in the running of the school.