Examples of Vaccine Approval Criteria in a sentence
All Project COVID-19 Vaccines shall satisfy the Vaccine Approval Criteria.
Given the unprecedented pace of vaccine development, and the need for both speed and prudence, COVID-19 vaccines financed under the proposed AF shall satisfy the World Bank’s Vaccine Approval Criteria.
The Project will support Vaccine Purchase including for the procurement of any vaccines that meet the WB Vaccine Approval Criteria and any ancillary goods needed to deploy the vaccines (e.g., syringes), if any.
All Project COVID-19 Vaccine shall satisfy the Vaccine Approval Criteria.
The information in the following table will be updated as more accurate information becomes available.*All vaccines deployed by the World Bank financed project will comply with the World Bank Vaccine Approval Criteria (VAC).
All Project COVID-19 Vaccines to be procured under the Project shall satisfy the Vaccine Approval Criteria.
There is uncertainty with vaccine purchase globally, but at this time, the Government will only use Bank financing for vaccines approved under the Bank’s Vaccine Approval Criteria or any modification that will result during project implementation.
The increased limit for retroactive financing will help the GoU recover costs already incurred for vaccines that meet the World Bank’s Vaccine Approval Criteria and procurement standards, and that have been or are scheduled to be deployed in accordance with the updated and approved Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) for the AF2.
The purpose of the proposed restructuring is to help the Royal Government of Bhutan (RGOB) purchase and deploy safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines that meet the World Bank’s Vaccine Approval Criteria (VAC), strengthen relevant health systems that are necessary for a successful deployment, and to prepare for the future.The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to prevent, detect and respond to the threat posed by COVID-19 and to strengthen national systems for public health preparedness in Bhutan.
All Project COVID-19 Xxxxxxxx deployed under the Project shall satisfy the Vaccine Approval Criteria.