Examples of Vehicle group in a sentence
In Study C-10-019, at the TOC visit, for the ITT pathogen positive subset, 66.0% (97/147) of the patients in the Finafloxacin group had microbiological success compared with 11.5% (15/130) of the patients in the Vehicle group; the treatment difference (54.4%) was statistically significant (p<0.001) with a 95% CI of (45.0%, 63.9%).
For the ITT culture positive subset, more patients in the Finafloxacin group had clinical cure compared to the Vehicle group (71.1% [170/239], 46.5% [112/241] respectively); the treatment difference was 24.7% with a 95% CI of (16.1%, 33.2%).
In contrast, CCI + Vehicle group had no significant change in PWT and TWL (###P < 0.001 compared with the Sham + Vehicle group).
RTA-408 administration further increased the spinal expression of Nrf2 in the nuclear extracts in the CCI group (***P < 0.001 compared with the CCI + Vehicle group, n = 5 in each group), which was significantly inhibited by the preinjection of trigonelline (***P < 0.001 compared with the CCI + RTA-408 group, n = 5 per group ).
Time to cessation of ear pain – Secondary Efficacy Endpoint #2 In Study C-10-018, for the ITT pathogen positive subset, the median time to cessation of ear pain in the Finafloxacin group and Vehicle group was 4.0 days and 7.0 days respectively; the treatment difference was -3.0 (p<0.0001) with a 95% CI of (-5.0, -0.8).
While for the ITT culture positive subset, more patients in the Finafloxacin group had microbiological success compared to the Vehicle group (60.8% [189/311], 16.6% [50/302] respectively); the treatment difference was 44.2% with a 95%CI of (37.4%, 51.1%).
In Study C-10-019, for the ITT pathogen positive subset, the median time to cessation of ear pain in the Finafloxacin group and Vehicle group was 3.0 days and 6.5 days respectively; the treatment difference was -3.6 (p<0.001) with a 95% CI of (-5.0, -2.0).
In Study C-10-019, at the TOC visit, for the ITT pathogen positive subset, 68.7% (101/147) of the patients in the Finafloxacin group had a clinical cure compared with 40.0% (52/130) of the patients in the Vehicle group; the treatment difference (28.7%) was statistically significant (p<0.001) with a 95% CI of (17.4%, 40.0%).
For the ITT culture positive subset, more patients in the Finafloxacin group had clinical cure compared to the Vehicle group (72.7% [226/311], 51.0% [154/302] respectively); the treatment difference was 21.7% with a 95% confidence interval (CI) of (14.2%, 29.2%).
Clinical Cure at TOC Visit – Primary Efficacy Endpoint In Study C-10-018, at the TOC visit, for the ITT pathogen positive subset, 71.7% (104/145) of the patients in the Finafloxacin group had a clinical cure compared with 33.3% (46/138) of the patients in the Vehicle group; the treatment difference (38.4%) was statistically significant 4(p<0.001) with a 95% CI of (27.6%, 49.1%).