Examples of Vehicle registration fee in a sentence
U.S. Bank and/or the Claims Administrator shall be responsible for serving the Class Action Fairness Act (“CAFA”) notice required by 28 U.S.C. § 1715 not later than ten (10) days after Plaintiff files the motion for entry of the Preliminary Approval Order as set forth in Section 6.01.
Vehicle registration fee revenues shall be used to supplement and under no circumstance replace existing revenues used for transportation purposes.
For example, You may have borrowed to pay for insurance premiums, new Vehicle registration fee, fuel and We would not pay any outstanding balance relating to such items.
Other Funds• Tolls/user-based toll fees• Fuel tax – statewide and local• Vehicle sales tax• Vehicle-miles traveled fee• Vehicle registration fee – statewide and local• FL511 Program – sponsorship or advertisement revenue generation• BondsIn addition to the sources listed in this section, others may exist that should be evaluated, such as federal grants, private funding, and public-private partnerships (PPP).
The price paid by You for the Vehicle (including all factory fitted accessories) and after any Deposit Contributions given and excluding any, cost of Vehicle warranty, new Vehicle registration fee, fuel, insurance premiums (including the premium for this policy), service plans, any finance arrears and any such associated costs and any Negative Equity.
However, the magnitude of impact may be modest as driving is the dominant mode of travel and other fixed costs are greater as compared to the amount of annual vehicle registration fee.• Vehicle registration fee increases VMT per vehicle, when other factors are controlled as the car owners, will try to reduce the average cost of driving by utilizing each vehicle more intensely.
In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and limit person-to-person contact, DWQ requests that the regulated community submit all permit related materials electronically at: https://deq.utah.gov/water-quality/water-quality-electronic-submissions Stormwater Program:Stormwater at Construction SitesDWQ has established the following guidance regarding construction site stormwater management and inspections during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
The price paid by You for the Vehicle (including all factory fitted accessories), or a maximum of the Glass’s Guide retail transacted value at the time of purchase, whichever is lesser, and after any discount and Deposit Contribution given, but excluding any new Vehicle registration fee, fuel, insurance Premiums, service plans, delivery charges, paintwork and upholstery protection kits, insurance and warranty Premiums, any finance arrears and any such associated costs and any Negative Equity.
Vehicle registration fee has increased in several states and local governments in the recent years and other states are considering to increase it as well.
Hendrick Automotive Group, LLC will pay the following fees on behalf of the winner (and these fees are included in the value of the Grand Prize): title, Vehicle registration fee, dealer documentation fee, dealer prep, emissions inspection, and sales tax.