Examples of Vessel Tracking and Tracing in a sentence
For example, differences in deployment across Member States have been identified for the four key RIS technologies (inland ECDIS, Electronic Ship Reporting, Notices to Skippers, Vessel Tracking and Tracing).
The technical specifications for Vessel Tracking and Tracing (VTT) systems is based on the work carried out in this field by relevant international organizations, namely already existing standards and technical specifications in inland navigation, maritime or other relevant areas.
AIS is considered as a suitable solution for automatic identification and Vessel Tracking and Tracing in inland navigation.
It may wish also to endorse the adoption of resolution No. 63 on International Standard for Vessel Tracking and Tracing on Inland Waterways with a view to the establishment on E waterways of the River Information Services (RIS)(ECE/TRANS/SC.3/174, paras.
Article 1.04Vessel Tracking and Tracing services and minimum requirements of Vessel Tracking and Tracing systems 1.
The Working Party will have before it a “Proposal for the European acceptance of Class B stations in inland navigation” transmitted by the Chair of the Expert Group on Vessel Tracking and Tracing (VTT) contained in document ECE/TRANS/SC.3/WP.3/2012/16.
Output expected: Adoption of Resolution on Standard for Vessel Tracking and Tracing Systems in Inland Navigation (2007)Amendment of resolution No. 48 on Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems for Inland Navigation (Inland ECDIS) (2007) Priority: Priority: 3 2 2 2 2] 15/ Introduced following the request of the Bureau of the ITC, ECE/TRANS/SC.3/177, para.
The retirement plan for employees hired before July 1, 2014 is the B-4.
In some circumstances, CCTV may have increased importance as an inland VTS sensor.Inland VTS may be enhanced by linking it to bespoke systems for tracking, such as the European Vessel Tracking and Tracing (VTT) system.When the inland VTS covers a long and narrow section of an inland waterway, the VHF working channels of nearby inland VTS centres may cause interference.Inland waters may naturally be close to shore and in areas covered by Wi-Fi or other mobile networks.
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