Examples of View Zone in a sentence
For example, it is possible that our participants thought that spending too much time playing games make people lazy, and this might lead to a decrease in reaction times.
Hamilton City Proposed District Plan, 2012 (“HPDP”)The HPDP includes the sites of the proposed works in a new Temple View Zone along with a small area of Natural Open Space Zone over the stand of Kahikatea trees.
Presiding Council Member Certified Correct - Corporate Officer Staff Report to the Planning, Zoning and Affordable Housing Committee DATE: Sunday, February 14, 2021 DEPARTMENT: Planning APPLICATION NO.: Z21-0031SUBJECT: Bylaw No. 2034 – Application to Amend the Text of the CD4 (Comprehensive Development - Olympic View) Zone at 749 Latoria Road, 781 Gwendolynn Drive, and 655 Frederick and an unaddressed parcel off Willing Drive PURPOSEGolfBC Holdings Inc.
Overall, the amendments provide certainty in relation to the application and implementation of provisions controlling development within the Temple View Zone.
We have been informed, through the s42A Report, that a large number of submissions have been received to the Temple View Zone and the associated provisions.49 On that basis, we find that the provisions of the HPDP can only have limited weight as opposed to the predominant weighting that is to be afforded to the operative HDP.
The Viewing Zone Inventory Sheet that shows the applicant’s Target View Zone, the tree sizes and quantities in the Target View Zone and the tree sizes and quantities of trees outside of the Target View Zone that overhang it.
The hearings on submissions to the HPDP are currently proceeding and we were advised that a large number of submissions have been received to the Temple View Zone and its associated provisions.48 46 Not made operative until this date due to appeals that took a long time to resolve47 S42A Report, para.
Program Cost-Effectiveness Summary for 2009 (Evaluated NTG) Cost-Effectiveness Test Table 72 presents program cost-effectiveness analysis results, including evaluated NTG for all program measures in the 2010 evaluation period, though not accounting for non-energy benefits (except those represented by the 10 percent conservation adder included in the PTRC).
Eligible Entities▪ Commercial businesses▪ Nonprofit organizations▪ Critical infrastructure (including but not limited to healthcare, wastewater treatment, etc.
For trees growing (originating) within the Target View Zone never remove more than twenty-five (25) percent of the tree’s leaf-bearing crown.