Examples of Voting area in a sentence
The satellite absentee voting station shall be arranged so that ballots are protected against removal from the station by unauthorized persons.b. Voting area.
The satellite absentee voting station shall be arranged so that ballots are protected against removal from the station by unauthorized people.b. Voting area.
A Model summaryA.1 Variablespi, qi, si : Voting area vote percentage, turnout and size, order by time of announcementpn, µN : National vote share and prior mean for Brexitσ2 , σˆ2 : National vote share prior variance and estimate, for BrexitP P µpi : Expectation of piµH : Vector of expectations provided by Hanretty study σpi2 : Marginal variance of pi υi : Expectation of qiυσ2 : Marginal variance of qi, independent of i|r : Vector of variables = (p1, .
A copy of the nomination form is available to download from the Elections and Voting area of the Isle of Man Government website.
A Model summaryA.1 Variablespi, qi, si : Voting area vote percentage, turnout and size, order by time of announcementpn, µN : National vote share and prior mean for Brexitσ2 , σˆ2 : National vote share prior variance and estimate, for BrexitP P µpi : Expectation of piµH : Vector of expectations provided by Hanretty study σpi2 : Marginal variance of pi υi : Expectation of qiυσ2 : Marginal variance of qi, independent of i;r : Vector of variables = (p1, .