Examples of Voting device in a sentence
Voting device" means the voting machine or electronic tabulating system apparatus that the voters use to record their votes on paper ballots or on a tabulating card.[PL 1995, c.
Using the procedures described in MA Voting device software identification – software identification method, the tester shall verify that each piece of software is installed in the location identified in MA 5.3-A-1.3 Software installation state restriction – location.
IVOTRONIC TERMINALTouchscreen Voting device manufactured by ES&S and used at precincts throughout Clay County for voters with disabilities.
Voting device ThreatProperty violatedVoter identifiable from receiptConfidentialityVoter’s choice noted by officialMismatch between voter’s choice and paper copyIntegrity Fig.
The FLEP assumes that voters own an email address and a cellphone number to receive login/password and confir- mation codes before and during the election.• Voting device: it is the device used by the voter to create and cast their vote.