Examples of Voting capital in a sentence
Voting capital means the capital share or equity of which the owner shall have the right to vote on matters falling under the deciding competence of the Members' Council or the Shareholders' Meeting.
ROSKIES, Neuroscientific Challenges to Free Will and Responsibility, in: «Trends in Cognitive Scienc- es», vol.
In order to create the room in the Election Reserve Fund, the Alternate Voting capital project, originally funded from the Election Reserve Fund in 2014, will need to be funded from other sources.
The candidates referred to in 1) and 2) listed in the slate that received the highest number of votes (and specifically from the slate filed by IP Investimenti e Partecipazioni S.r.l., receiving 82.831% of the Voting capital) were elected to the post of Statutory Auditors.
Composition of the GroupSet out below details of the subsidiaries held by the Group:Country ofincorporation Voting capital held Activities(Restated) 31 Dec.201331 Dec.2012 Morocco Mediterranean General Trading WLL During the year, as a result of restructuring of the Group, the 100% ownerships of Al Sham Gulf Holding and Al Sham Gulf Company Limited were transferred to Casablanca Real Estate Company.