Examples of Wait period in a sentence
Wait period begins on this date.• Contract Activation Payment means payment received to activate Contract renewal option.• Contract Renewal Date or Renewal Date means the first (1st) day following a previously expired term as determined by the Contract Activation Date.
That is, Wait period = the input timestamp which was recorded when input was entered + PMD1 – the current time at the agency.
The entry of a Completion Date for a work order in PowerPlan starts the Late Charge Wait period countdown in PowerPlan, which means late and lagging charges from contractor invoices can still be posted to a work order, final labor costs, for in-house labor can be charged to a work order, materials requisitioned but not posted to a work order can be charged to an order.
However, at kǁ 0.2h Mpc−1, the leading order approximation results into significant error in the imaginary part of G.12ǁ12ǁ12ǁTherefore to improve the approximation accuracy at the target kǁ = 0.2h Mpc−1, we must in- clude the next-to-leading order terms in the expansion.
Wait period prior to the index birth was found to be significantly associated with urban infant mortality but not rural infant mortality.