Examples of Waste Charge in a sentence
In accordance with Section 68 of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007 and the Town of Cambridge Health Local Law, the Town has imposed a Waste Charge levied on all rateable properties in the district that have, or are entitled to have a domestic general waste bin.
Failure to pay the Commercial Waste Charge shall result in termination of water and sewer service pursuant to provisions of the District's Order Adopting Consolidated Rate Order and Rules and Regulations; Establishing Policy Regulating Water Use During Emergencies; Establishing a Wastewater Control Order; Establishing Certain Other Policies; and Providing Penalties for Violation Thereof.
Such notifications shall result in imposition of a Water Waste Charge as set forth in Section 40921.
If PCWA determines that a customer is wasting water, that customer may be subject to a Water Waste Charge as set forth in Section 40921; or to termination of service or a reduction in the amount of water that the customer is allowed to purchase as set forth in Section 41005; or both.Sec.
Other EPR instruments in Korea cover an Eco-Assurance System for electronics and cars, a Waste Charge System for hazardous and hard-to-recycle materials, and the traditional Deposit-Refund System.
CarriedBackground Each year, coinciding with the adoption of the revised Council fees and charges the Waste Charge Policy is updated to reflect the operational nature of the waste services that Council delivers.
Recycling & Waste Charge – Pensioner rebateCouncil acknowledges that some ratepayers may experience difficulty from time to time in meeting the Recycling & Waste Levy due to the effect of rising costs, cost of Council services and personal circumstance.
Financial risk to Council is minimal as invoices are paid after services have been performed and approved by a Council officer.The extension arrangement and variation will result in annual savings for Council over the 3- year term, which has been incorporated into the draft 2022/23 budget and incorporated into the Waste Charge calculations in the draft budget.
The Waste Charge Policy states that when more revenue from the Waste Charge in any one financial year is accumulated that is more than required to cover the cost of the municipal waste service, the Waste and Litter Management Plan activities and waste and litter related behavioural change programs in that same year, these funds will be deposited into the Financial Reserve at the end of the financial year.
The property owner will be notified in writing the outcome of the application Applicants for an Organic Waste Charge Exemption should be aware routine audits of receptacles of exempted properties will be conducted periodically.