Examples of Wastewater treatment in a sentence
Wastewater treatment plants are applicable industries under the storm water program and are obligated to comply with the federal regulations.
Wastewater treatment ponds (Lagoons) April 25, 1979 (Amended May 20, 1986 andMay 20, 1987)19.
Wastewater treatment works March 22, 1984 (Amended May 20, 1987)15.
Junk yard/dump Pig/chicken farm Salvage yard Processing plants Wastewater treatment facility Industrial Distribution facilities (all) Airports Electrical utility substations Liquor Store Prisons Solid waste disposal Adult entertainment/video/ Bar, Club or Lounge Theater Total Negative Points *The Market Study for every project must include a separate section that evidences whether the Project satisfies the positive points listed or incurs the negative points listed above.
Wastewater treatment facilities are vulnerable to disaster-related interruptions and their unavailability can have a major impact on the community’s health and well-being.