Water division definition
Examples of Water division in a sentence
Submission materials reference communication with the Water engineering division, but a companion letter of capacity has not been provided.The application will need to provide renewed confirmation from the Water division to confirm the continued capacity.Affirmative finding as conditioned.
Laid off Water division employees covered by this collective bargaining agreement may only bump to the positions of Demin Operator or Relief Operator at Xxxxxxx.
However, the Water division, under Public Works, alsooperates as a self-sustaining business, much like the Airport.Clearly, water is more critical to the community than the Airport, but the missions of the two divisions are similar in that they share the goal of being self-sustaining.
This program received funding form NIH; students typically work 8-12 hours a week during the semester.
The Operations & Maintenance function will establish and develop the Irish Water Operations function and its capabilities such as Operational planning and control, Operations support, Regional Operations, management of the DBO and O/M contracts and Workflow management across the business.Customer OperationsPaul O’DonoghueThe Customer Operations function is the establishment of customer capability for the Irish Water division.
Overall, the Water division supplies water and/or sewage treatment services to more than 23.6 million people.
In accordance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, the City of Vaughan’s (COV) Water division is required to be compliant to the DWQMS policy and develop an operational plan.
Budget estimate The estimated budget required to achieve each action (see Table 21 of Annex 1 and Section 6) reflects the funds which should be allocated at the level of the Agreement (AEWA core budget and/or voluntary contributions).
For the City, the inspection, documentation and record keeping falls under the responsibility of the Water division.
Part of this plan requires an annual audit be performed by the Water division, an external audit performed every three years, meeting permit requirements and a MOECC inspection, at least once a year.