Examples of Water Year Type in a sentence
Water years have been classified into four Water Year Types based 6 on the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) records of annual inflow to 8 Licensee shall determine Water Year Type based on the predicted, unimpaired inflow to 9 Oroville and spring snowmelt runoff forecasts provided by Licensee and DWR each 10 month from January through May.
For example, the Sacramento Water Year Index is determined as (SWRCB 1995):Sacramento 40‐30‐30 Water Year Type Index =0.4*Current April–July Runoff + 0.3 Current Oct.–Mar.
No 25 Pulse Flows are required in months where the Water Year Type forecast for that 26 month indicates that the water year will be either Dry or CD.
Licensee shall provide one Pulse Flow release from both Canyon 22 Dam (Seneca Reach) and Xxxxxx Forebay Dam (Xxxxxx Reach) in each of January, 23 February and March if the forecasted Water Year Type for that month, as defined in 24 Section 4, indicates that the water year is anticipated to be either Normal or Wet.
Licensee shall conduct an annual planning meeting with 18 SWRCB, FS, and other interested Parties each year in March to discuss expected 19 Water Year Type, results of monitoring efforts, Licensee maintenance needs that may 20 conflict with recreation flow releases, and other relevant issues.
Rubicon River below Rubicon Reservoir DamMinimum Streamflow by Water Year Type (cfs)Month* The minimum streamflow shall be 6 cfs or the NF, whichever is less.
Little Rubicon River below Buck Island Reservoir DamMinimum Streamflow by Water Year Type (cfs)MonthCDDRYBNANWETOctober1*1*1*1*1*November1*1*1*1*1*December1*1*1*1*1*January1*1*1*1*1*February1*1*1*1*1*March1*2333April23555May23888June1*2333July1*1*1*1*1*August1*1*1*1*1*September1*1*1*1*1** If natural flow measured in Highland/Rockbound Creek above Buck Island Reservoir is below 1 cfs, the minimum flow shall be 1 cfs.
Gerle Creek below Gerle Creek Reservoir DamMinimum Streamflow by Water Year Type (cfs)MonthCDDRYBNANWETOctober59101010November44666December45666January56666February56666March7101299April9121599May912151515June912151515July710131515August59121212September59101010 1.E. South Fork Rubicon River below Robbs Peak Reservoir Dam The Licensee shall maintain the minimum streamflow specified in Table 7 based on month and water year type.
South Fork Silver Creek below Ice House Reservoir DamMinimum Streamflow by Water Year Type (cfs)MonthCDDRYBNANWETOctober510151515November57888December58111111January612181818February612181818March816242424April1528414141May3046686868June2531464646July2121303030August1414151515September1010151515 1.G. Silver Creek below Junction Reservoir Dam The Licensee shall maintain the minimum streamflow specified in Table 9 based on month and water year type.
Gerle Creek below Loon Lake Reservoir DamMinimum Streamflow by Water Year Type (cfs)MonthCDDRYBNANWETOctober711162023November711162023December813182226January1215192328February1418222732March1924303744April2332404958May2532404958June1016222732July514222732August510141720September510141720 1.D. Gerle Creek below Gerle Creek Reservoir Dam The Licensee shall maintain the minimum streamflow specified in Table 6 based on month and water year type.