Examples of Weather modification in a sentence
Vendor shall not procure: (i) Military equipment; (ii) Surveillance equipment; (iii) Commodities and services for support of police or other law enforcement activities;(iv) Abortion equipment and services;(v) Luxury goods and gambling equipment, or (vi) Weather modification equipment.
USAID/OFDA cannot fund• Military equipment,• Surveillance equipment,• Abortion equipment and services,• Luxury goods and gambling equipment,• Weather modification equipment, or• Commodities and services for support of police or other law enforcement activities.
Rauber, 1986: Weather modification related characteristics of Colorado and Utah orographic clouds.
Weather modification could potentially support water supplies in general and the state should continue to support the existing Weather Modification Program and the development of innovative technology.
Under no circumstances shall the recipient procure any of the following under this award, as these items are excluded by the Foreign Assistance Act and other legislation which govern USAID funding:• Military equipment;• Surveillance equipment;• Commodities and services for support of police or other law enforcement activities;• Abortion equipment and services; • Luxury goods and gambling equipment; • Weather modification equipment.