West Cameron definition
Examples of West Cameron in a sentence
One applicant is seeking to export LNG from a proposed floating LNG facility in the West Cameron block 167.
The range of alternatives analyzed included alternative deepwater port designs, alternative LNG liquefaction technologies, alternative cooling media, alternative pipeline routes, alternative port locations, alternative use of existing West Cameron 167 offshore manifold platform, alternative mooring systems, alternative anchoring methods, alternative Delfin Onshore Facility locations, a no action alternative, and energy alternatives.
Additionally, Ridgewood commits to participate in the drilling of the West Cameron Block 296 Prospect pursuant to the terms of Letter Agreement dated November 28, 2006, between Newfield and Ridgewood.
Other Producing Fields Hillcrest also produces relatively small volumes of oil and gas from the Ship Shoal 271 Field, the West Cameron 310 Field, the West Cameron 498 Field and the West Delta 64 Field.
The Contract Area is the leasehold acreage that covers the following described property: West Cameron Block 57 (OCS-G 21534) as said lease covers depths from the surface of the earth down to the base of the CrisR-2 sand at a depth of 15,500' vertical sub-sea or to the base of the stratigraphic equivalent of the CrisR-2 sand, as seen in the Stone West Cameron Block 45 OCS-299 #20 By-Pass-1, whichever is the deeper but limited to the following acreage aliquots, hereinafter referred to as the "Contract Area".
The well on West Cameron Block 225 was shut in from September 2005 until January 2007, and all wells were back in production during 2007.
This safety zone, encompassed within a circle having a 500 meter radius around the primary component of the Gulf Gateway Deepwater Port, the submerged loading turret (buoy) and the pipeline end manifold (STL/PLEM), is located approximately 116 miles off the Louisiana coast at West Cameron Area, South Addition Block 603 ‘‘A’’.
Helis Company, L.L.C., et al, as Non-Operators, covering West Cameron Area, Block 57, dated July 1, 2000 ("OA"), attached hereto as Exhibit "B", being both the Co-owners' leasehold and the OA interest in the Contract Area, to the best of our information and belief is set out as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, and the Contract Area is hereinafter referred to as the "El Toro Prospect".
In addition, the Partnership owns interests of 50% in Viosca Knoll Gathering System ("Viosca Knoll"), 36% in Poseidon Oil Pipeline Company, L.L.C. ("POPCO"), 50% in Stingray Pipeline Company ("Stingray"), 40% in High Island Offshore System ("HIOS"), 33 1/3% in U-T Offshore System ("UTOS") and 50% in West Cameron Dehydration Company, L.L.C. ("West Cameron Dehy").
The proceeds from the sales of Stingray, UTOS and the West Cameron dehydration facility in the first six months of 2001 of approximately $54 million were used to reduce the revolving credit facility balance.