CSC definition
Examples of CSC in a sentence
The mandatory furlough provisions of CSC Rules shall not apply to covered employees.
Thereafter, the HHSC CSC Program Specialist will confer with the HHSC Contract Representative regarding waiver requests will be approved for individuals with a non-qualifying diagnosis upon admission.
The 3.0 to 4.0 FTE CSC-FEP team members must include at least 0.5 FTE for Certified Family Partner and 0.5 FTE for Certified Peer Specialist per CSC Team.
Grantee shall provide Coordinated Specialty Care for First Episode Psychosis (CSC- FEP) outpatient services for individuals who are between fifteen (15) to thirty (30) years of age, regardless of the age of the individual at onset, and who meet the criteria for a psychotic disorder under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-5-TR).
After the CSC initial training, Grantee shall determine the content and frequency of ongoing training for CSC staff.