Examples of Western Ontario District in a sentence
The Western Ontario District Office of Industry Canada provides advice and assistance on communications matters during an emergency.
The Lead Pastor is to embody the vision and core values of Rockcliffe and is accountable to the members of Rockcliffe via the Board and the Western Ontario District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
Lifting Sense and Nonsense, North Western Ontario District of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Thunder Bay, November 16, 1991, 4 Hour Workshop.
In co-operation with the 1976 General Conference decision, each local assembly is expected to tithe its general offerings to the Western Ontario District office, which shall then tithe the receipts from this source, as well as that received from pastors’ tithes to the International Office.
During 2019, the District, along with Master’s College and Seminary and the Western Ontario District of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, co-signed a lease for the 780 Argyle Street property in Peterborough which was previously owned by Master’s College and Seminary.
ARTICLE 7 MEMBERSHIP 7.1 All holders of valid credentials from The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada whose ministry comes under the authority of the Western Ontario District shall be recognized as members.
The Board serves the Lead Pastor and are accountable to the members of Rockcliffe, adhering to the guidelines required to remain in fellowship with the Western Ontario District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.
During 2018, the District, along with Master’s College and Seminary and the Western Ontario District of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, co-signed a lease for the 780 Argyle Street property in Peterborough which was previously owned by Master’s College and Seminary.
The Society is affiliated with the Western Ontario District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada and shall share in the privileges and assume the responsibilities enjoined by this affiliation.
The District Conference through its District Executive shall avail itself of the prerogatives conferred upon it in the matters of discipline of members as defined by the General Constitution and By-Laws of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada in By-Law 10.6 and the Western Ontario District policy for discipline and restoration.