Western definition
Examples of Western in a sentence
It has been accepted for inclusion in Case Western Reserve Law Review by an authorized administrator of Case Western Reserve University School of Law Scholarly Commons.
Declared rare and priority flora list for Western Australia, 22 February 2005.
Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, Western Australia} :-P1 Priority One - Poorly Known taxa: taxa which are known from one or a few (generally <5) populations which are under threat, either due to small population size, or being on lands under immediate threat, e.g. road verges, urban areas, farmland, active mineral leases, etc., or the plants are under threat, e.g. from disease, grazing by feral animals, etc.
Department of Conservation and Land Management, Como, Western Australia} :-P1 Priority One: Taxa with few, poorly known populations on threatened lands: Taxa which are known from few specimens or sight records from one or a few localities on lands not managed for conservation, e.g. agricultural or pastoral lands, urban areas, active mineral leases.
Alternatively, they can contact the Western Technology Services Helpdesk.