Wet perimeter definition
Wet perimeter means the area of the stream that is underwater, or is exposed as a nonvegetated dry gravel bar island surrounded on all sides by actively moving water at the time the activity occurs.
Wet perimeter means the area of the stream that is underwater, or is exposed as a nonvegetated dry gravel bar island sur- rounded on all sides by actively moving wa- ter at the time the activity occurs. [1971 c.1
Wet perimeter means the area of the stream that is under water or is exposed as a non- vegetated dry gravel bar island surrounded on all sides by actively moving water at the time the activity occurs.
More Definitions of Wet perimeter
Wet perimeter. , as used in OAR 141-089, means the area of the stream that is under water, or is exposed as a non-vegetated dry gravel bar island surrounded on all sides by actively moving water at the time a removal-fill activity occurs.
Wet perimeter means the area of the stream that is underwater, or is exposed as a nonvegetated dry gravel bar island surrounded on all sides by actively moving water at the time the activity occurs. [1971 c.1 §4; 1973 c.756 §1; 1977 c.671 §2; 1985 c.673 §177; 1989 c.320 §1; 1993 c.99 §1; 1995 c.223 §1; 1995 c.719 §1; 1997 c.223 §1; 1997 c.478 §1; 2001 c.499 §1]
Wet perimeter. , as used in OAR 141-089, means the area of the stream that is under water, or is exposed as
Wet perimeter. , as used in OAR 141-089, means the area of the stream that is under
Wet perimeter means the area of the stream that is underwater, or is exposed as a non-vegetated dry gravel bar island surrounded on all sides by actively moving water at the time the activity occurs. HOW TO APPLY FOR COVERAGE UNDER THIS GENERAL PERMIT
Wet perimeter means the area of the stream that is underwater, or is exposed
Wet perimeter means the area of the stream that is underwater, or is exposed as a nonvegetated dry gravel bar island sur-