Examples of PAD in a sentence
The Member acknowledges that: (i) this authorization constitutes delivery thereof by you to the processing institution(s) whosoever it may be, (ii) the processing institution(s) are not required to verify that eachPAD Account submitted by the Provider has been issued in accordance with this authorization (including the amount) or that the purpose of the payment for which a PAD Account was made has been fulfilled as a condition of honouring a PAD Account.
In order to be reimbursed for a disputed PAD, the Member must deliver a written declaration that either (A) or (B) above took place to the processing institution(s) within NINETY (90) DAYS after the date that the disputed PAD was posted to the PAD Account, and if the Member does not, the disputed PAD must be resolved between the Member and Provider.
If the Member cancels its PAD Account authorization and does not provide the Provider with alternative pre- authorized debit instructions acceptable to the Provider at least TWO (2) WEEKS before the next date that a debit is to be made, the Member must still arrange for payment to the Provider.
The Member expressly agrees to waive the prenotification period of any PAD payment.