PAD definition

PAD means a Preauthorized Debit.
PAD means a Pre-authorized Debit.
PAD means Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries;

Examples of PAD in a sentence

  • This authority will remain in effect until terminated in accordance with the terms of this PAD Agreement.

  • I acknowledge that I have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this PAD Agreement.

  • I waive any and all requirements for pre-notification or confirmation under Payments Canada Rule H1, including, without limitation, advance notice of the amount of the PAD before the PAD is processed.

  • Cardiovascular history was inclusive of previous myocardial infarction (MI), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), carotid endarterectomy (CE), carotid stenting, peripheral artery disease (PAD), acute coronary syndrome, and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).

  • I authorize Enercare (including through any financial institution or third party payment service provider retained by Enercare) to debit the Bank Account (designated above) in accordance with the terms of this PAD Agreement.

More Definitions of PAD

PAD means any provision made for any adverse deviation from the expected experience.
PAD means a compacted gravel, paved or concrete surface on which blocks, posts, runners or strip footings are placed for the purpose of supporting a Manufactured Home or unit;
PAD means a finished surface on which blocks, posts, runners, or strip footings are placed for the purpose of supporting a mobile home;
PAD means the Holder's Authentication Passwords, made up of by the following codes, which are equivalent to the Holder's signature, accordingly, and the introduction of which means the authorization by the Holder of the Transaction: PIN code; EPIN code (temporary code received via SMS, which is used to set the permanent PIN code); PUF code (One-Time Password); PMF code (Multiple Use Password); CVV2/CVC2 code (Card Verification Value); 3D Secure Password (security protocol for online Transactions: ‘Verified by Visa’ or ‘MasterCard Secure Code’).
PAD means the earthen material placed for the construction of a structure. Upon completion of the structure, “Pad” shall refer to the earthen material that remains adjacent and external to the structure.‌
PAD means the most current Planned Area Development from time to time approved by City, if any, with respect to the development of the Property or any portion thereof, and which sets forth the specific uses, densities, features, and other development matters applicable to the Property or any portion thereof.