Examples of Wetland determination in a sentence
There must be documented evidence of periodic inundation or saturated soils when the projectarea: (a) has plant communities dominated by one or more FAC species; (b) has vegetation dom- inated by FACW species but no adjacent community dominated by OBL species; (c) has a grad- ual, nondistinct boundary between wetlands and nonwetlands; and/or (d) is known to have or is suspected of having significantly altered hydrology.& STEP 6 - Wetland determination.
Wetland determination or delineation of adjacent properties was not included in the scope of this investigation.The results of the presence of wetland vegetation, hydrology, and soil indicators are discussed below and presented in Table 2.
Wetland determination for regulatory purposes, such as assessments of wetland losses incurred from section 404-permitted activities, is typically done on a project- specific basis by Corps personnel.Although regional large-scale wetland determination maps have not been typically used or developed by the Corps for jurisdictional purposes, based on our knowledge of forested ecosystems in the LMAV, we believe that most bottomland hardwoods within the critical habitat boundary are jurisdictional wetlands.
Wetland determination and delineation including, if necessary, a Wetland Delineation Report for regulatory agency review and approval.
If none of these sources has information or can provide assistance, the services of an experienced Federal or other en- gineer shall be sought as described above.(d) Wetland determination.
Wetland determination shall be made by the United States Army Corps of Engineers, and/or the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, and/or the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Wetland determination data forms documenting vegetation, soil, and hydrologic conditions at each piezometer and borehole location are provided in Appendix A.
Wetland determination and delineationThe RMA wetland definition is used as the first step in determining whether or not an area qualifies as a wetland.
Emphasis should be placed on “soft” vegetated stabilization practices that will help maintain the natural regimen of the stream.☐ Wetland determination or delineationIf wetlands are present at the site, attach a copy of the wetland delineation report.
The fence must be constructed along the entire length of the property (unless there is a grandfathered access to Lake Tahoe Boulevard).