Wheelchair user definition
Examples of Wheelchair user in a sentence
Wheelchair user tickets or accessible tickets will be specifically confirmed in your Booking Confirmation Email, if they are not, you will have the category of Ticket confirmed in the Booking Confirmation Email.(15) Wheelchair user tickets or accessible tickets do not include the supply of a wheelchair or other requirements and as such you must make arrangements for these yourself.
The proportions of those disabilities among those using SEND transport is as follows:• Learning disabilities /Autistic 31%• Wheelchair user 13%• Cerebral palsy 7%• Down Syndrome 4%• Blind/visually impaired 4%• Various other disabilities 41% Race and Ethnicity39% service users described themselves as white, 33% are black/black Caribbean and black British 6% Asian and Asian British with the remainder from a range of ethnic groups or mixed background.
Wheelchair user: Includes Paraplegic, Quadriplegic, Polio, Double Leg Amputee and disabilities that prevent the safe use of a conventional bicycle.
Within each bedroom category listed above, the waiting list will be maintained to reflect the type of disability possessed by the applicant, if any, as it relates to their special needs: W = Wheelchair user M = Mobility Impaired V = Vision ImpairedH = Hearing Impaired O = Other Persons under age 62 with a disability shall be placed on Family Waiting Lists with the nature of their disability noted.
Category 1 - Visitable dwellings; M4(2) – Category 2 - Accessible and adaptable dwellings; and M4(3) – Category 3 - Wheelchair user dwellings.
Yes No Awaiting permissionPlease specify the number of units required under the following categories:Part M4 (2) Accessible and adaptable dwellingsPart M4 (3) Wheelchair user dwellings (3)(a) Adaptable (3)(b) Accessible Please specify how many litres is the requirement for Part G Water Efficiency 110 litres n/aPlease note that the above information is necessary to progress your application; if you do not have planning permission, this must be provided within 28 days of that consent being granted.
Category 1 - M4(1) Visitable dwellings (as previous Part M)Category 2 - M4(2) Accessible and adaptable dwellings (equivalent to Lifetime Homes)Category 3 - M4(3) Wheelchair user dwellings (further subdivided into ‘wheelchair accessible’ (when an allocation policy applies) and ‘wheelchair adaptable’ where no allocation policy applies.
One ground floor residential unit shall be constructed to Building Regulations Optional Requirement Approved Document M4(3) Category 3: (Wheelchair user dwellings) (2015 edition).
The wheelchair unit (Unit 1) identified on the approved drawings shall be constructed to, or capable of easy adaptation to, Building Regulations Optional Requirement Approved Document M4(3) Category 3: (Wheelchair user dwellings) (2015 edition).
Wheelchair user as a passenger at the beginning of the journey If the driver has an Medical Exemption Certificate it should be displayed so that potential passengers know that the driver does not have to take people who require assistance.