Examples of Widespread in a sentence
Examples: Widespread cancer that no longer responds to treatment; chronic and/or damagedheart and lungs, where oxygen is needed most of the time and activities are limited due to the feeling of suffocation.
Examples: Widespread cancer that no longer responds to treatment; chronic and/or damaged heart and lungs, where oxygen is needed most of the time and activities are limited due to the feeling of suffocation.
Non-compliance (0 points) if:• Widespread use of shirts, blouse or smock top pockets.
Justification or Excuse on Basis of Alleged Widespread Corruption Query whether a claimant’s prohibited acts of bribery can be justified, or excused, on the grounds that allegedly corruption is wide-spread in the country where the acts took place, notably the host State in the investor context.
Widespread complaints.LMinor deterioration (nuisance or minor deterioration).