Large Scale definition

Large Scale means a proposal that contains more than 50 units or, a proposal that contains a non-residential gross floor area exceeding 2,000 square metres or, a proposal that contains a mixture of units and non-residential uses exceeding 2,000 square metres of gross floor area;
Large Scale means large scale having regard to the number of data subjects, volume or range of data being processed, duration or permanence of the activity and geographical extent;
Large Scale means >100 MW per plant per year. Other PV scaling factors include the following: b = −0.07 (Bruton and Woodock, 1997), b = −0.09 (Rohatgi, 2003), b = −0.12

More Definitions of Large Scale

Large Scale in this case means the involuntary resettlement of over 200 persons approximately.
Large Scale in this case means the groundwater pumping of over 10 million cubic meters per year approximately.
Large Scale in this case means the land reclamation of over 50 ha approximately.
Large Scale in this case means the land development or land-clearing of over 100 ha approximately.
Large Scale in this case means the logging of over 100 ha of forests approximately.
Large Scale means illegal marijuana cultivation or distribution operations that involve multiple persons, large quantities of illegal marijuana, quantities of illegal marijuana of significant monetary value, operations that take place over large geographic areas, or any combination of those circumstances.¶
Large Scale with respect to any Restricted Consulting Services shall mean those solutions which support both (i) multiple departments or organizations within a business entity and (ii) involve multiple applications, modules or subcomponents.