Wilful Defaulter definition
Examples of Wilful Defaulter in a sentence
The Company has not been declared as Wilful Defaulter by any Bank or Financial Institution or other Lender.
We further confirm that none of our companies/promoters/directors appear in ECGC Specific Approval List, RBI Caution List, RBI Wilful Defaulter List (Suit filed as well as non-suit filed) and CIBIL Defaulter List, updated from time to time.
In case of listing of debt securities issued through private placement, the following disclosures are required to be made in terms of the Debt Listing Regulations: Name of the Bank declaring the entity as a Wilful Defaulter: The Issuer has not been declared as a wilful defaulter by any bank or financial institution or consortium thereof.
Ketaki BhagwatiBrief description of the Charteri) To review and confirm the Order(s) passed by the Internal Committee identifying a borrower as a Wilful Defaulter, in terms of Para 3 (c) of RBI Master Circular No. RBI/2015-16/100 DBR.No.CID.
For the purpose of this clause, “Wilful Defaulter” means an issuer who is categorized as a Wilful Defaulter by any bank or financial institution or consortium thereof, in accordance with the guidelines on Wilful Defaulters issued by the RBI and includes an issuer whose director or Promoter is categorized as such.