Examples of Wood coatings in a sentence
Wood coatings sold to retail consumers are not formulated to meet these specifications and are thus not economically viable substitutes.
Wood coatings encompass a wide variety of materials, application and finishing techniques, and customers require a significant range in the quality of finishes on products made of wood.
Wood coatings are widely used for aesthetic and protective reasons.
Wood coatings encompass a wide variety of materials, and application and finishing techniques, and customers require a significant range in the quality of finishes on products made of wood.
Wood coatings are not able to withstand the effects of heavy hailstorms.Coatings are not designed and are not able to eliminate structural and wood-specific defects.An important function of each and every wood coating is to reduce the amount of moisture that penetrates the wood.
For products manufactured on or after January 1, 2021, the labels of all stone consolidants shall prominently display the statement "Stone Consolidant - For Professional Use Only."(o) 'Wood coatings'.
Thailand Powder coatingsAkzo Nobel The Netherlands Fabryo Romania Architectural coatingsAlpina Farben GmbHGermany Alfred Clouth LackfabrikGermany Wood coatings Alpina takes over the distribution of Clou's DIY businessHempel purchase 65 % of theHempel Denmark J.W. Ostendorf Germany Architectural coatings Siegwerk Germany Tupahue Tintas Brazil Printing inks, coatings and sol-vents for flexo and gravure printingGerman based paint manufacturer,J.
Wood coatings rooted in history Zweihorn produces Wigranit, the first coloured paint for wood coatings, bringing greater colour freedom and flexibility to the market.
R Bulian nd JA Graystone, Wood coatings: theory and practice, Elservier, first edition 2009, ISBN 9780444528407 Out of the scope of this product group are the hybrid floorings and the resilient (excluding cork floorings) floorings. Hybrid flooring means the next generation of floor coverings that combine several aspects of wood, laminate and resilient floorings.
R Bulian nd JA Graystone, Wood coatings: theory and practice, Elservier, first edition 2009, ISBN 9780444528407 Out of the scope of this product group are the hybrid floorings and the resilient (excluding cork floorings) floorings.• Hybrid flooring means the next generation of floor coverings that combine several aspects of wood, laminate and resilient floorings.