Woody vegetation definition
Examples of Woody vegetation in a sentence
Woody vegetation will only be used a reasonable distance beyond the clear zone to ensure a safe facility.
Woody vegetation or a woody plant having multiple stems and bearing foliage from the ground level up.
Woody vegetation historically occurred along most streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed prior to European settlement, except where conditions were too wet, frequently disturbed, or salty.
Woody vegetation over twelve feet in height that causes safety issues for pedestrian or vehicles can and will be treated mechanically by pruning or ground cutting using hand tools or chainsaws.
Woody vegetation in these areas is sparse consisting mainly of dry bush and open wooded grassland.
Woody vegetation debris generated by the pre-construction site clearing and grubbing activities will be chipped and either used or composted within the Project Area.
Woody vegetation is relatively dense, especially when compared to drier washes, and phreatophytes draw alluvial groundwater from below the streambed elevation when surface flows stop.
Landscaping PlanRequired Elements• Woody vegetation may not be planted or allowed to grow within 15 feet of the toe of the embankment and 25 feet from the principal spillway structure.
Woody vegetation should not comprise more than an average of 20% of the herbaceous ground cover.
Woody vegetation one (1) inch and greater in diameter shall be cut no more than four (4) inches above ground level to a distance of five (5) feet up the side slopes from the bottom of the emergency spillway and disposed of at a site approved by Garrett Soil Conservation District.