Examples of Wool Classer in a sentence
Triennium Wool Classer registration income is recognised based on the pattern of services rendered.
Upon issuance of such notice of disapproval, the provisional certification is invalidated by the Administrator and the data measured and recorded by each uncertified monitoring system shall not be considered valid quality-assured data beginning with the date and hour of provisional certification (as defined under §75.20(a)(3) of this chapter).
Current Liabilities - Other Unearned Income *3,153,851665,967Other3,153,851665,967 * Unearned income represents Wool Classer registration fees received for the period 1/1/2022 to 31/12/2024 13.
REVENUE FROM ORDINARY ACTIVITIESOperating activitiesJoining Fees 16,000 8,000Subscription Fees 61,15263,692Fees for Service* 3,734,3323,798,365Other Revenue 6114,730Interest ReceivedNon-operating activitiesOther Revenue 273,747 -263,365 -Total revenue from Ordinary Activities 4,085,8424,138,152* Includes the receipt of Wool Classer triennium registration fees.
AWI’s functions are Research and Promotion , AWTA’s function is that of a Testing House and AWEX’s functions are Wool Sale Management , Market Reporting and Wool Classer Registration and Training .
WOOL CLASSER (AS DEFINED) There are three levels for the classification of Wool Classer (as defined), which incorporate wool classing and related duties.
WOOL CLASSER (AS DEFINED) There are three levels for the classification of Wool Classer (as defined), which incorporate wool classing and related duties.
If a Wool Classer is dissatisfied with a decision of the Registrar under these Rules, the Wool Classer may appeal that decision.
Quality Assurance • Confirmation that your clip is classed by an AWEX Registered Wool Classer • Assurance that your wool clip is prepared in accordance with the best practice and quality standards described in the Australian Wool Exchange’s (AWEX) Wool Classer Code of Practice Environmental Care • Provide details about any environmental schemes implemented on your farm.
AWEX ‘s role in Market Reporting and Wool Classer Registration is less defined .