Examples of WPC Business in a sentence
The WPC Business Unit will use a population health management approach for monitoring program enrollment, service utilization, and completion of assessments, screenings, and referrals.
The WPC Business Unit used marketing dollars from this category to develop two videos that the county is using to tell the story of the success of Whole Person Care and Coordinated Entry with traditional partners as well as new ones.
The WPC Business Administration Capstone will leave you better prepared for your upcoming career by providing a comprehensive view of business organizations and your roles in them.
We did not view these as a singular ontological domain of practice, however, but as a multiplicity of elements, all with their own history, that provided the intelligible background upon which the local social practice of ADHD relied to be acceptable as a solution at the point in time that it was proposed.Our knowledge-work revealed the local approach to ADHD as contingent upon two main interconnected apparatuses: health and education.