Examples of WTO in a sentence
SACU opened its First Written Submissions by arguing that: […] the EU’s complaints all essentially rest on an entirely mistaken legal premise, namely that the requirements and standards of the World Trade Organisation (“WTO”) safeguard rules, and in particular, the WTO Agreement on Safeguards (“WTO [ASG]”), can simply be transplanted to Article 34 of the EU-SADC EPA even though it concerns a very different subject-matter and it makes no reference to such requirements and standards.369 215.
A duty which shall not exceed 25 per cent of the current WTO bound tariff or 25 percentage points, whichever is higher, may be imposed to the agricultural products referred to in paragraph 1.
Safeguard measures adopted under the provisions of this Article shall not be subject to WTO Dispute Settlement provisions.
Finally, the Parties have debated the relevance of the laws and practice of WTO panels and Appellate Body, requiring the Arbitration Panel to clarify its approach in this respect (3).
Accordingly, the Arbitration Panel needs to clarify the role of WTO law and the case law of WTO dispute settlement bodies in interpreting the obligations bearing on the Parties under the EPA.