Examples of Wylfa Newydd CoCP in a sentence
These sub-CoCPs set out specific controls relevant to those locations which are not adequately covered under the Wylfa Newydd CoCP.
The Wylfa Newydd CoCP, together with location-specific sub-CoCPs, set out how construction activities will be managed and controlled in order to deliver the mitigation commitments as set out in the Environmental Statement as well as other assessment processes undertaken (e.g. Habitat Regulations Assessment).
CoOP"): Similar to the Wylfa Newydd CoCP and sub-CoCPs, the Wylfa Newydd CoOP sets out the controls that will apply during the operation of the Wylfa Newydd DCO Project (for example operational hours for the Power Station).
Horizon’s ecology and landscape management strategy is based upon the controls set out in the Wylfa Newydd CoCP and any further controls set out in this sub-CoCP.The general mitigation controls to be implemented for ecology and landscape are described in section 11 of the Wylfa Newydd CoCP.In addition, the measures below outline specific measures to be implemented during construction and operation of the Logistics Centre.
Sub-CoCPs are provided for each location and underpin the Wylfa Newydd CoCP.
These have been disapplied as they would interfere with Horizon’s carrying out the authorised development and are adequately controlled through other documents such as the Wylfa Newydd CoCP, A5025 Off-line Highway Improvements sub-CoCP and the DAS.
The Logistics Centre Lighting Scheme will be prepared in accordance with the principles set out in section 4.5 of the Wylfa Newydd CoCP and section 4.5 of this Logistics Centre sub-CoCP.
Clause 6 of Schedule 20 has been included to ensure that IACC must take into account the thresholds outlined in the Wylfa Newydd CoCP and any relevant sub-CoCPs before it issues a notice under section 60(5).
Horizon’s public access management is based on the controls set out in this Wylfa Newydd CoCP and relevant sub-CoCPs.Any site-specific mitigation requirements to be implemented for public access are described in section 6 of the relevant sub-CoCPs.Horizon will put in place mitigation to reduce as far as practicable adverse effects of permanently closing, temporarily closing or diverting PRoWs in particular on the surrounding PRoW network as well as the environment and local communities.
Horizon’s noise and vibration management is based on the controls set out in this Wylfa Newydd CoCP and relevant sub-CoCPs.Any site-specific mitigation controls to be implemented for noise and vibration are described in section 8 of the relevant sub-CoCPs.Horizon’s noise and vibration management will be mobilised prior to construction activities commencing.