Examples of XXX Act in a sentence
The Issuer is authorized pursuant to the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the XXX Act and the Bond Resolution, to issue the Bonds.
Scope - In accordance with the XXX Act and pursuant to Section 104-b of the GML referred to therein, IDAs must adopt procurement policies which will apply to the procurement of goods and services not subject to the competitive bidding requirements of Section 103 of the GML and paid for by an XXX for its own use and account.
The YCSD covenants and agrees to operate each of the Facilities or cause each of the Facilities to be operated in accordance with (i) this Agreement, (ii) as a qualified Project in accordance with and as defined under the Yonkers Schools Act, and (iii) as a "project" in accordance with the XXX Act.
The YCSD shall at all times during the Agreement Term occupy, maintain, use and operate each of the Facilities, or cause each of the Facilities to be occupied, maintained, used and operated, (a) in the same manner as existing school buildings owned by the City and operated and maintained by the YCSD as of the date hereof and (b) as a "project" in accordance with the provisions of the Yonkers Schools Act and the XXX Act and for the general purposes specified in the recitals to this Agreement.
XXX Fund is established by and derives its authority and accountability from XXX Act (state the Act establishing the County Public Fund) on XXXX (insert date).
The Grantee shall comply with all laws, rules, procedures, and regulations concerning grants involving funds appropriated by the United States Government, as they may relate to administration of this Grant, especially pursuant to the XXX Act (Public Law 98-164) and 2CFR200 Subpart D Post Federal Award Requirements, which are incorporated into this Agreement in the Appendices.
Each Facility shall be used by the YCSD or any other governmental agency, department, division, commission or board thereof and used for public purposes of the YCSD or such agency, department, division, commission or board, and as a "project" under the XXX Act and as a Project as provided in the Yonkers Schools Act.
The Agency hereby determines that the financing of the Facilities through the issuance of the Bonds will further and advance the public purpose of the Agency under the XXX Act and the Yonkers Schools Act.