Xxxx Ounce definition
Examples of Xxxx Ounce in a sentence
If the Purchaser requests, the Seller agrees to buy this contract back from the Purchaser on or after the Delivery Date, at Fair Market Value of One Xxxx Ounce of Gold.
For shipment size of 400 Kgs or greater, AGR shall make a monthly refund to K&S of XXXXX Xxxx Ounce.
Greentech Development will instruct the Agent to source 100 kilograms (3,215.07 Xxxx Ounce) (plus/minus 5%) of gold with 99.9% purity for each batch.
Holders of fewer than one xxxx ounce of contracts, seeking to take delivery must at the Transfer Time pay the Seller the missing fraction times the Fair Market Value of One Xxxx Ounce of Gold on the Transfer date, ((1.0-[Xxxx Ounces of Contracts held])*[FMV(ozt)]).
The price for the sale and purchase of each shipment of Gold Bars shall be the Spot Price or AM London Fixing or PM London Fixing per Xxxx Ounce of pure gold content of 99.5% purity on the date that the price is fixed (after receipt of a non-refundable Security Deposit/Down Payment of 5%), plus a premium of three per cent (3%) for quantities less and 100 kilograms, or a premium of two per cent (2%) for quantities of 100 kilograms or more, multiplied by the net weight of such Gold Bars.
If the Purchaser requests, the Seller agrees to buy this contract back from the Purchaser within 180 days of the request, for a price according to this formula: The greater of $1or Fair Market Value of One Xxxx Ounce of Gold times the gross gold mined by the Seller since June 1 2019 times the Forward Reserve Fill Rate divided by the Forward Reserve Target Size)).
The Purchaser shall provide to the Seller and advance payment upon execution of this Agreement in the amount of Fair Market Value of One Xxxx Ounce of Gold divided by Euler's number to the power of (zero-point-three-zero times the number of days from the date of this agreement until December 15, 2018 divided by three-hundred- sixty-five-point-two-five).