Year 1 Note definition
Examples of Year 1 Note in a sentence
PROPERTY AND CLT FUNCTIONS Year 1 Note: Some of the costs shown will be incurred in the period leading up to the Company being formed.
Appendix A MA and AuD Program RequirementsCurriculum for AuD in Audiology Revised October 2008 Year 1 (Note: Courses Subject to Change)Coursework in the first year of the program is heavily weighted toward basic science and introductory clinical courses.
Table 2 – “Project Spending Plan” provides an example.Table 2 – Project Spending Plan Monthly Spending Plan (Year 1) Note: Create one spend plan for each year during the project period (actual starting month may be different than in the example).
Year 1 Note: All Funding Sources in Columns A-E will be eligible for reimbursement of expenditures incurred on or after "Funding Period - Start Date" and will cease eligibility for reimbursement of expenditures incurredafter "Funding Period - End Date".** Original Awards was overstated for RW Part B by $29,341 and TDSHS R by $40,504.
Table 2 – Project Spending Plan (Example) Monthly Spending Plan (Year 1) Note: Create one spend plan for each year during the project period (actual starting month may be different than in the example).
Spring - Year 1: Work on research proposal, submit to IRB by Week 10; receive IRB approval; towards end of spring, begin gathering data; discuss data analyses with mentor.Summer - Year 1: (Note: Mentors are ‘off’ in the summer, so prepare to work independently).
Our goal was to oversample hospitals that were more likely to take actions to respond to the CJR model while ensuring representation of “average” or “typical” hospitals.Exhibit C-3: Information used to Select Hospitals for Site Visits in Year 1 Note: ACH = acute care hospital, DSH = disproportionate share hospital, HCC = hierarchical condition category,HHI = Herfindahl-Hirschman index, LEJR = lower extremity joint replacement, MSA = metropolitan statistical area, PAC = post-acute care.
Target had loaned funds to Target Sub, designated as the Year 1 Note, which funds were loaned to Target by Acquiring (the “Target Note”).
Year 1 Note: All Funding Sources in Columns A-E will be eligible for reimbursement of expenditures incurred on or after "Funding Period - Start Date" and will cease eligibility for reimbursement of expendituresincurred after "Funding Period - End Date".** Original Awards was overstated for RW Part B by $25,675 and TDSHS R by $19,590.
Year 1 Note: All Funding Sources in Columns A-E will be eligible for reimbursement of expenditures incurred on or after "Funding Period - Start Date" and will cease eligibility for reimbursement of expenditures incurred after "Funding Period - End Date".** Original Awards was overstated for RW Part B by $28,504, and TDSHS R by $39,438.