Examples of Zero Balance Accounts in a sentence
During formal activation of Fast Track Procedures, the UNDP Resident Representative/Head of Office must inform the Treasurer when it is required to operate both locally domiciled and Zero Balance Accounts with single signatories for payments up to USD 5,000 or equivalent.
ZERO BALANCE ACCOUNTS – The City requires Zero Balance Accounts (ZBA) for all of its accounts except the General Operating and Disbursement Account which is the master funding account to the ZBAs. The Bank teller function must identify the account as a ZBA to ensure honoring of presentments made at the Bank.Yes, can provide as requested/required.
However, it also has at least three challenges that must be handled before applied to our real life.
Alongside, it created a state level pool of funds which channelled all transfers from the Center and opened Zero Balance Accounts for all districts, which suppressed any parking of funds at the district level.8 It also allowed districts to monitor GP balance and to transfer funds from the state pool to the GP account directly, without having to go through the blocks.
All existing Zero Balance Accounts opened either under NREGS module of Sanchaya Post or opened manually for NREGA Workers or Indira Gandhi National Old Age/Widow/Disability Pensioners will be renamed as “Basic Savings Accounts”.
Zero Balance Accounts: These accounts will be maintained for the disbursement of payroll and accounts payable.
Send written requests to: State Treasurer’s Office (IMMS C-15)Centralized Treasury and Securities Management Division Bank Reconciliation Section ManagerP.O. Box 942809 Sacramento, CA 94209-0001 Note: For accounts outside the CTS, including Zero Balance Accounts (ZBA), refer to SAM Section8002.
These Services currently include, but are not limited to, ACH Origination, ACH Positive Pay, Business eBanking (including Business eBanking Mobile), Daily Investment Sweep Loan, Integrated Payable Services, Lockbox, Positive Pay, Remote Deposit Capture, Wire Transfer of Funds and Zero Balance Accounts (individually a “Service,” collectively the “Services”).
Our Zero Balance Account ("ZBA") Service enables you to consolidate your funds automatically each Business Day from designated deposit accounts ("Zero Balance Accounts" and/or "Subsidiary Accounts") into a designated master deposit account ("Concentration Account").
For Zero Balance Accounts, Target Balance = 0) Account TypeAccount NameAccount No.(Please indicate accounts to be added or deleted)(Please furnish a separate form to add more sub accounts)I/we acknowledge that the Bank will undertake the transactions mentioned above subject to the availability of funds in the Master Account/ Sub-Account or Credit limit.