Name and surname: Aleksei Kamenskikh Specimenaj Klausuloj

Name and surname: Aleksei Kamenskikh. Seniority in the position (junior/ intermediate/ senior): intermediate Faculty/Department:Sex: MDate of birth:Citizenship:Home address:Tel. č.: + E-mail:Participant with: x financial support from Erasmus+ EU funds-grant The financial support includes: (hereafter „the participant“) Have agreed the Special Conditions and Annexes below which form an integral part of this agreement (hereafter “the agreement"): Annex I Staff Mobility Agreement for teachingAnnex II General Conditions The terms set out in the Special Conditions shall take precedence over those set out in the annexes. [It is not compulsory to circulate papers with original signatures for Annex I of this document: scanned copies of signatures and electronic signatures may be accepted, depending on the national legislation or institutional regulations.] SPECIAL CONDITIONS