Regroupings Näiteklauslid

Regroupings. 8.6.1. When leaving Service Park A, B and C starting intervals are corrected, resulting from retirements and/or late arrivals. 8.6.2. The start order for day 2 shall be based on the classification at the finish of the first day of the stages. Organiser may make changes due to safety reasons. 8.6.3 10 first competiton cars of unofficial classification start in reversed order to Day 2. 8.7. Retirement. Retired crew must immediately inform Rally HQ (phone +000 00 000 000) of their retirement reasons, fill out the retirement form (found on the final pages of Road Book), submit the form to marshals or the road-opening car and remove competition number form the car. If the crew fails to report about their retirement, the National Sporting Authority (ASN), to which a competitor belongs, will be informed about it. 8.7.1 Organiser has a right to remove retired cars from Special Stages to safer places for safety reasons. 8.8. Servicing. The service space reserved in the Service Park for each competition car is 6x8 m (48 m²). Competitors may purchase additional service space with the price of 5 EUR/m² - the application for extra space should be sent by at the latest 09.08.2016 to mail In Service Park, all crews are obliged to have a liquid-proof tarp of minimum 3x5 m under competition cars. One service vehicle per each competing car is permitted to Service Park. The vehicle must be clearly identified by a “Service” sticker issued by the organiser and affixed on the windshield. Recce cars are not permitted to enter Service Park. Using open fire (grill, log fire) in Service Park is prohibited. Competitors who fail to comply with Service Park rules are subject to a cash penalty of 65 EUR per each infringement. 8.9. Refuelling. Refuelling is permitted only in Refuel Zones. Refuel Zones are marked in Road Book.
Regroupings. 8.6.1. When entering Service Park A, B, starting intervals are corrected, resulting from retirements and/or late arrivals. 8.7. Retirement. Retired crew must immediately inform Rally HQ (phone +000 00 000 000) of their retirement reasons, fill out the
Regroupings. When entering Service Park TC2A, TC 3C, TC6A and TC9A ‐ starting intervals corrected, resulting from retirements and/or late arrivals. 8.5.2. The start order for Leg 2 will be based on the classification at the finish of the final special stage of the previous Leg. Organiser may make changes due to safety reasons. 8.6. Retirement. Retired crew must immediately inform Rally HQ (phone +000 000 0000) of their retirement reasons, fill out the retirement form (found on the final pages of Road Book), submit the form to marshals or the road‐opening car and remove competition number form the car. If the crew fails to report about their retirement, the National Sporting Authority (ASN), to which a competitor belongs, will be informed about it. 8.6.1 Organiser has a right to remove retired cars from Special Stages to safer places for safety reasons. 8.7. Servicing. The service space reserved in the Service Park for each competition car is 8x9 m (72 m²). In Service Park, all crews are obliged to have a liquid‐proof tarp of minimum 3x5 m under competition cars. One service vehicle per each competing car is permitted to Service Park. The vehicle must be clearly identified by a “Team” sticker issued by the organiser and affixed on the windshield. Recce cars are not permitted to Service Park. Using open fire in Service Park is prohibited. Competitors who fail to comply with Service Park rules are subject to a cash penalty of 60 EUR per each infringement. 8.8. Refuelling. Refuelling is permitted only in Refuel Zones. Refuel Zones are marked in Road Book. 8.9. Superrally. Retired cars are allowed to re‐start from Leg 2. Xxxxx, who intend to restart, must not fill the retirement form. For each unfinished SS the crew will get 5‐minute time‐penalty that will be added to its class's (or in case its absence, the higher class) best time. Upon retiring after the last SS, the crew will also be given 5‐minute time‐ penalty. The cars must be presented to technical commission at least at 7.00 on October 8.
Regroupings. 8.7.1. When entering Service Park B , C, D starting intervals are corrected, resulting from retirements and/or late arrivals. 8.7.2. The start order for Day 2 shall be based on the classification at the finish of the final special stage of the previous day. Organiser may make changes due to safety reasons. 8.8. Retirement. Retired crew must immediately inform Rally HQ (phone +000 00 000 000) of their retirement reasons, fill out the retirement form (found on the final pages of Road Book), submit the form to marshals or the road-opening car and remove competition number fom the car. If the crew fails to report about their retirement, the National Sporting Authority (ASN), to which a competitor belongs, will be informed about it. 8.8.1 Organiser has a right to remove retired cars from Special Stages to safer places for safety reasons. 8.9.

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