Payment. Add the following additional sentence:
Payment. Jos luotonsaaja laiminlyö luottosopimuksen mukaisen maksun suorittamisen osittain tai kokonaan, luotonmyöntäjällä on oikeus luoton ehtojen mukaisesti muun muassa periä viivästyskorkoa, eräännyttää luotto heti takaisinmaksettavaksi, ryhtyä perimistoimenpiteisiin ja ilmoittaa luottosopimuksesta johtuvien maksuvelvoitteiden laiminlyönti luottotietorekisteriin. Luoton perinnästä aiheutuu kustannuksia, joista vastaa luotonsaaja. Luotonmyöntäjä perii viivästyneen suorituksen maksumuistutuksesta 5,00 euroa/muistutus. Luotonmyöntäjällä on oikeus ilmoittaa ja rekisterinpitäjällä oikeus tallettaa luoton maksun laiminlyönti luottotietorekisteriin, mikäli luotonsaajan maksettavaksi erääntynyt maksu on viivästynyt yli 60 päivää alkuperäisestä eräpäivästä ja samalla on kulunut vähintään kolme (3) viikkoa siitä, kun luotonsaajalle on lähetetty maksukehotus, jossa on muistutettu mahdollisuudesta rekisteröidä maksuhäiriö luottotietorekisteriin. If the debtor fails to repay all or part of the amount due under the credit agreement, the creditor has the right, in accordance with the credit’s terms and conditions, to charge default interest, call in the credit for immediate repayment, take debt collection measures and report the payment defaults subject to the credit agreement to the credit information register, for instance. The costs of debt collection shall be borne by the debtor. The creditor will charge EUR 5,00 for reminder for late payment. The creditor has the right to report and the registrar has the right to enter a default in the credit information register if the payment due by the debtor is more than 60 days overdue from the original due date specified in the payment reminder and at least three (3) weeks have passed since the date on which the payment reminder was sent to the debtor reminding them of the possibility to register the default in the credit information register.
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b:
1. As long as the country operates in a free currency exchange market, Customer and IBM agree that IBM will accept payment in the applicable country national currency calculated at the country official exchange rate published by the bank specified in a Transaction Document on the date payment is made.
2. If the government of a country establishes any restriction or limitation on its free currency exchange markets, Customer agrees to make payments to IBM in US dollars to a bank account in New York, NY, USA, designated by IBM in the Transaction Document, provided that such payment is not illegal under country law. If such method of payment is forbidden by country law, Customer agrees to pay the amount indicated in the Transaction Document in country national currency, calculated at the official exchange rate that is in use for the remittance of dividends and net earnings to foreign investors outside the country. Customer agrees to pay accordingly, including any late payment fee. The late payment fee is calculated and payable in US dollars at two percent (or the maximum rate allowed by local law if such is less than two percent) of the delinquent amount due per each thirty day period during which any delinquent balance remains unpaid.
Payment. The following paragraph is added after 7.2: The following paragraph replaces 7. 2 (b) in its entirety:
Payment. Delete 7.2. (b).
Payment. Add the following paragraphs to 7.2. (a): Replace 7.2. (b) with:
Payment. The following replaces 7. 2 (a)
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b:
1. two percent of the delinquent amount due per the first thirty day period during which any delinquent balance remains unpaid, plus
2. ten percent for each successive thirty day period during which any delinquent balance remains unpaid.
Payment. The following replaces 1.6b:
Payment. The following paragraph is added after 1.6c as 1.6d: