Cessions à des tiers 10.4.1 Clauses Exemplaires

Cessions à des tiers 10.4.1. Agrément Les parts sociales ne peuvent être ni cédées ni transférées à des tiers qu'avec un agrément donné dans les conditions ci-dessous, et ce, même si les cessions et transmissions sont consenties à un ascendant, descendant ou au conjoint du cédant. L'agrément des associés est donné dans la forme d'une décision collective des associés. Cette décision est prise à la majorité des deux tiers (2/3) des voix attachées aux parts composant le capital social. shareholders, individually, who will have a period of one (1) month as from the first notification to acquire the shares to be assigned, in proportion to their participation in the company's capital. Each shareholder shall exercise their right of pre- emption by notifying the manager of the number of sharesthey wish to acquire. At the end of the above-mentioned period of one (1) month, the manager shall inform each shareholder of the results of the pre-emption. If the rights of pre-emption are greater than the number of shares offered for assignment, the latter are distributed among the shareholders who have exercised their right of pre-emption, in proportion to their shareholding in the capital, and within the limit of their requests. In the event of pre-emption, the assignment of the assignor's shares must be carried out and the price paid within six (6) months from the first notification from the assignor. If the offers to purchase are lower than the number of shares offered for sale, the rights of pre-emption shall be deemed never to have been exercised. In this case, and subject to the approval provided for in the Articles of Association below, the assigning shareholder may freely assign their shares to the assignee indicated in the notification. 10.3. FREE ASSIGNMENTS The shares are freely able to be assigned and transferable between shareholders. 10.4.